The coronavirus is spreading faster and faster in various parts of the country. Stockholm is one of the regions that is experiencing a strong increase.
– We have had an 80% increase for the week that just ended and we have not seen any signs that the increase is diminishing this week, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, assistant doctor for infection control in Stockholm.
The increase is also noticeable in hospitals, although Thomas Lindén highlights that it takes time before the number of cases in society is reflected in places of care:
– The increasing spread of the infection in the country will lead to more patients to be hospitalized. We had previously announced that it takes about eleven days from when they become infected until they are admitted to Iva.
“You are like exhausted”
Sofia Karlsson works as an auxiliary nurse in the infection department at Linköping University Hospital, that is, in one of the counties that have now received special recommendations.
During a short break from work, he says that more and more coviduct patients have started to come to the ward in recent weeks.
– Go back to lock yourself in these masks, and know – now we may have to experience it again, with very sick patients.
Development worries her and her colleagues.
– What we saw in spring … They did not have time to process what we saw and experienced. It takes a lot for one, even me. You’re almost done, says Sofia Karlsson.
Many are in intensive care, county by county
Today, 56 patients with covid-19 receive intensive care. 391 covid patients are cared for in hospitals outside of intensive care units.
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