Donald Trump and Joe Biden face off in Florida


It is unusual for both presidential candidates to be in the same city at the same time, but today, Thursday, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are visiting the city of Tampa, Florida.

The city itself has just over 400,000 residents, but several million people live around Tampa Bay – important votes to fight for Biden and Trump with five days left for the US election.

For Donald Trump, additional prestige is added, as Florida has been considered his home state for the past year. He won here in 2016.

Exactly the same in polls

Over the summer, Joe Biden has been the winner of opinion polls in Florida, but the closer to the election, the more and more they have stabilized.

On Wednesday, Trump spoke about Biden for the first time since April, according to Realclearpolitics, which compiles several opinion polls.

However, the 0.4 percentage point lead lasted only 24 hours, and today, Thursday, it is a dead race – 48 percent each.

Two electoral meetings, one election

At 1:30 p.m. local time – 6:30 p.m. Swedish time – Donald Trump will speak in the large parking lot outside Raymond James Stadium, a meeting called “drive-in”

18:30 to 23:30 Swedish time, it’s Joe Biden time. There will also be a “drive-in” meeting, but the exact location has not yet been announced.

Johan Eriksson of Expressen will be present when both Donald Trump and Joe Biden speak later tonight.

However, it is unclear how much of an impact the candidates’ visit to Tampa may have, as 48 percent of all eligible voters in Florida have already voted early, according to the latest figures on Wednesday.

Donald Trump is interrupted here in the middle of the campaign speech:

READ MORE: Expressen’s coverage of elections in the US is all compiled here.

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