Following the alarm about a further spread of the coronavirus, the municipality of Båstad is closing a number of businesses. The activities of libraries, leisure centers and cafes are affected by the decision. Indoor activities in the fall vacation program are also canceled.
The coronavirus is on the rise dramatically in Skåne, and on Tuesday the Swedish Public Health Agency and infection control doctors from the Skåne Region announced that they are drastically fine-tuning the overall guidelines.
The city Hall The management team has decided to close several operations as of today, Thursday, October 29.
Libraries, fall break activities, sports halls, skills center, open preschools, and sports facility rentals are now closed.
The reason is the alarming spread of the coronavirus.
– We have received clear directives from the Public Health Agency and the Skåne Region. Everyone should follow the strictest advice to reduce the spread of infection. This is a serious situation that we are seeing now, says Charlotte Rosenlund Sjövall, municipal director of the municipality of Båstad.
These activities are affected by the decision:
• Fall break program is affected, all indoor activities that cannot be organized outdoors are canceled.
• Libraries are closed with the exception of students using the Båstad library facilities and for reserved visits.
• The competence center is closed except for reserved visits.
• Café Biblos is closed.
• The open preschool closes.
• The rental of sports facilities will stop until November 17, 2020, with the exception of children and young people born in 2005 or later.
• The city hall customer service center is closed to visitors until further notice.
Regarding the residences for the elderly and the LSS houses of the municipality, an appeal is made to the relatives to refrain from visiting for the time being. The tours are mainly done digitally and sometimes behind Plexiglas.
The decisions are valid until November 17, but can be extended.