Of: Adam westin
Uppsala and Skåne were the first to issue stricter general advice.
The infection has almost doubled in the capital, but restrictions are delayed.
– Additional tools may be needed to know that the pandemic is not over, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, acting doctor of infection control in Stockholm.
The Uppsala region was the first to introduce stricter general guidelines. Scania did it on Tuesday.
In Stockholm, the spread of the infection has almost doubled. In the last week, 2,966 cases of covid-19 were registered, which corresponds to approximately 424 cases per day.
Discussions are also taking place to introduce stricter general councils in the capital.
– I suppose that everyone understands that we also have a dialogue with the Public Health Agency, it is not a secret in any way. But if, when and what could be, there is nothing I can talk about right now, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, acting physician for infection control in the Stockholm region, Wednesday afternoon.
Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT
Maria Rotzén Östlund, an infection control PhD in Stockholm, does not want to comment on any restrictions in Stockholm.
No criteria
Johan Carlson, CEO of the Swedish Public Health Agency, makes decisions in local general councils, in consultation with the infection control department of the relevant region.
There are no established criteria on what is required to introduce the adjustment.
– This is a new disease, a new pandemic. We look at, among other things, the growth rate of the infection, the impact on health care, and IVA care. Then there are several different general tips to choose from, neither Skåne nor Uppsala have put forward all the general tips. If it becomes relevant in Stockholm, we will tailor them to what we think fits our region, says Maria Rotzén Östlund.
Johan Carlsson, CEO of the Public Health Authority, decides on local councils.
In Skåne, the restrictions extend further than in Uppsala. Skånes must, among other things, refrain from visiting shopping centers, libraries, baths and gyms, as well as training sessions and sports matches for adults and children over 15 years of age.
The chief doctors have asked for an adjustment
Those working in the healthcare sector in Stockholm and elsewhere in Sweden now fear a situation in which the pressure is similar to that which prevailed this spring.
Johan Styrud, president of the medical association in Stockholm, has questioned the government’s easing of restrictions on risk groups and in events when development seems what it is. “The spread of the infection is terrifying,” says the chief physician.
– Of course, I agree with Johan Styrud that we have to stop this so that there is no more burden on health care, says Maria Rotzén Östlund.
The spread of the infection has increased rapidly in Stockholm.
Will local general councils for Stockholm be presented during Thursday’s press conference?
– Now the interviews have “bored” me and I’m just saying that we have a dialogue with the Public Health Agency. If it is possible for us to have a decision and when possible, it is not something that we will hold on to, because in that case we really want to go out and say that now this is what applies. But we must have our dialogue ready before we say anything, says Maria Rotzén Östlund.
“Boring and horrible”
Stricter advice or not: The increased spread of infection is a “real, strong and serious” warning alarm, says the acting infection control doctor for the Stockholm Region.
– No matter how boring and horrible it is, we will have to live with this virus for a long time, until we have a vaccine. So keep your distance, work remotely with who you can, don’t hang out with other people than the ones you usually hang out with, and stay home when you’re sick, says Maria Rotzén Östlund.
The spread of the infection has increased rapidly in Stockholm.