Västerbotten: Continued increase in the number of confirmed cases within the county, but the spread of infection is currently considered stable.
The increase takes place mainly in the Umeå area and occurs as cluster outbreaks within families, team sports, workplaces and pub settings.
Norrbotten: Greater spread of infection. Outbreaks of local clusters, especially in the workplace and within families.
Uppsala: The Covid-19 spread has increased in the last month, from previously 1-2% of PCR tests, the figure has now risen to 6-8% in recent weeks. Some areas of Uppsala show a test positivity of 15-20%. Due to the increase in patients with covid-19, the burden of care is increasing. Corrosive effects on health and care have side effects.
Sörmland: According to preliminary figures, the number of infections in the county is increasing significantly. In general, the situation is stable but tense in regional medical care.
Stockholm: The situation has not changed in the sense that the spread of the infection continues to increase in the region and in SÄBO. The situation is stable but tense. The number of people treated for Covid-19 in hospitals is also increasing slightly, but it is
still relatively few. The increase and spread of infection occurs in all age groups, but increases more in the working age group.
Östergötland: The number of confirmed cases of covid-19 has continued to rise. There is a clear increase in the number of people needing hospital care. The number of infections in municipal activities has increased slightly. The region sees a marked increase in the spread of infection both in groups in society as well as a more general spread of infection in society.
Jönköping: The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to rise. From weeks 40 to 42, cases increased by almost 150% (from 114 to 278). The number of hospitalized patients with confirmed covid-19 has increased markedly. The number has gone from two patients in the first week of October to 17 patients during v.44, three of whom are in intensive care.
Kronoberg: The situation remains worrying in Kronoberg, with a significant spread of the infection in some municipalities. The proportion of positives last week was the second highest since we started general sampling: 5.5 percent. This week, the ratio appears to be even higher. In addition to the local accumulations of cases, the main explanation for the sharp increase is that we have seen signs of the spread of infection in hospitals. There is also an extension of care in some municipalities. Both hospitals and primary care are in a tense situation at the moment. In hospitals there is a shortage of places of care at the same time that many employees are sick or napping at home.
Kalmar: The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county is increasing significantly with many smaller clusters. During week 43, a total of almost 100 cases were diagnosed.
Gotland: The number of infected people has increased in the county in the past two weeks. Various cases of cluster infection. An infection has been found in a county nursing home.
Blekinge: The region sees an increase in the number of infections in the county during the fall. The region sees a general spread of infection in Blekinge. Moderate impact on care and health.
Skåne: The spread of infection in Skåne continues to increase, as in the rest of the country. The 7-day average for the number of cases per day has increased dramatically in the last week. The statistics have gone from an average of 55 cases per day to 187 cases per day in two weeks. Peaks of more than 300 new cases per day during v.43, indicating a very worrying trend.
The burden on healthcare is also increasing, which is a very serious warning sign. Monday v. 44 is a total of 43 people attended, of which 5 in VAT, for covid-19. Another 34 patients at the hospital are awaiting test results.
The spread of infection increases in all age groups, but 20-29 years account for 25% of positive test results. The region also sees a sharp increase in the age group over 70 compared to before.
Halland: The region reports an increase in the number of infected people and sees concern in this. The proportion of positive responses has increased for both PCR and antibody tests.
The proportion of citizens requiring advanced medical care due to Covid-19 is lower than in the spring, even though the spread of the infection increased during the fall.
Västra Götaland: Most county municipalities report moderate impacts on their overall situation images. The Västra Götaland region claims that they have a good ability to complete their tasks, but remain high
Värmland: 4 patients are cared for in the hospital, of which 2 in IVA. The spread of the infection within the county is limited and the death rate is lower than the national average.
Örebro: The region reports that they perceive the general contagion situation as worrisome, with almost double the cases found compared to last week. As before, the 20-49 age group dominates, but the Region sees an increase in all age groups, but at least the 70+ group.
Västmanland: High spread of infection in the county, especially in three out of ten municipalities. The greatest spread of the infection occurs primarily in county schools.
Dalarna: The spread of the infection in Dalarna continued to increase during the past week. In the healthcare setting, an unchanged number of hospitalized wards was observed. Week 42 4585 people were tested for PCR (of whom 3.2% were positive). The spread of the infection continues to increase, with a uniform distribution throughout the county.
Gävleborg: The region reports that the spread of the infection is still at a low level in the county. However, the number of positive responses is expected to increase in the future in relation to the situation in neighboring counties and various local outbreaks.
Västernorrland: The spread of infection in the county is increasing for the sixth week in a row, albeit at a low level. Increase also in the number of hospital caregivers even here at low levels. 3 out of 7 municipalities report a moderate impact. Other municipalities do not report any impact.
Jämtland / Härjedalen: The assessment of the region is a minimal deterioration of the situation in the short and long term. There is currently a confirmed community infection in several municipalities, especially among school-age children, youth, home care, and staff in various hospital departments. Weighted moderate impact for the region.
Source: county administrative boards