The spread of infection is increasing in Germany – DN.SE


German authorities reported 11,409 new cases of covid-19 on Tuesday. By the end of the week, Germany may have reached 20,000 confirmed cases a day, Finance Minister Peter Altmaier said earlier in the day.

– We have an exponential increase. In Germany, the number of cases is increasing by 70 to 75 percent compared to last week, Altmaier said, according to Reuters.

The total number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days is now 89, well above the highest alert level in the country, which is 50 at the same value. (Not to be confused with similar calculations from Sweden, which apply for 14 days)

Also hospital admissions in due to the increase of covid-19 in various parts of the country. Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that the German healthcare system could be overloaded if the spread continues to rise, writes Reuters.

The number of new infections doubles every seven to eight days, Merkel said.

– You only have to double four more times and the system will be at the breaking point, he continued according to sources from the German newspaper Bild.

In a televised speech, the chancellor urged the country’s citizens to “stick to what we know” on Tuesday.

– We know how to protect ourselves. We can move forward with more specific measures. But we also see when the numbers now go up, that if we don’t stick to what we know about the virus, we will put ourselves in a very difficult situation, he said according to Deutsche Welle.

On Wednesday, Angela Merkel will meet with the leaders of the German Länder to find a way to implement joint measures across Germany to reduce the spread of the infection.

According to sources from Bild på on Monday he will propose a kind of “mild closure” of the company on Wednesday. The focus will then turn to closing bars and restaurants and limiting public events.

Leading virologists, epidemiologists and other researchers, who have been advisers to the German government during the pandemic, have come out and unanimously supported a mild variant of the society shutdown. Without one, the already exponential rise in COVID-19 cases will be unstoppable, experts have said, according to Deutsche Welle.

However, state leaders do not fully agree on what the restrictions should look like. While many want to avoid widespread shutdowns of society, leaders of the worst-hit states are calling for swift action against the spread of the infection.

Bavarian state leader Markus Söder has said he expects tough negotiations and called for decisive national measures to avoid further economic damage and greater mental health problems during the winter. Markus Söder believes that keeping schools and kindergartens open as long as possible should be the top priority.

Germany has long been considered one of the countries in Europe that has best coped with the pandemic. Local outbreaks and the increased spread of the infection in some parts of the country have not previously turned into a large general spread as in countries like the UK, Italy and Spain.

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