Maximum rating for V – victories in battle


Of: TT


The Left Party receives increased support from voters after party leader Jonas Sjöstedt's threat to overthrow the government.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Jessica Gow

The Left Party receives increased support from voters after party leader Jonas Sjöstedt’s threat to overthrow the government. Stock Photography.

Voter support for the Left Party (V) increases at the same time as the negative trend of the Social Democrats continues. This is shown in the October Ipso survey, which was commissioned by Dagens Nyheter.

V gets 11 percent in the poll, compared to 9 last month. This is the highest listing since March.

– The Left Party has won the fight for labor legislation, says Nicklas Källebring from Ipsos to DN, and believes that V has attracted voters from S.

S continues to fall from the heights this spring, when the crisis in the crown caused voters to support the ruling party. In October, 25 percent of voters responded that they would vote for the party, so it almost comes down to the same opinion figures as before the pandemic.

The Liberals finish for the fifth consecutive month below the Riksdag’s four percent barrier. Moderates, on the other hand, receive their highest voter support at 21 percent since May 2018.

Depart Voter support in percent (September poll in parentheses). Figures are rounded.
The moderates 21 (20)
The liberals 3. 4)
Downtown party 9 (8)
Christian Democrats 6 (7)
The Social Democrats 25 (26)
The left party 11 (9)
The green party 5 (4)
Swedish Democrats 20 (20)
Source: Dagens Nyheter

