The infection in Stockholm is increasing considerably.
The latest progress report from the region shows that 2,966 new cases were registered last week, representing an increase of 1,309 cases over the previous week.
Now the Stockholm Medical Association wants stricter restrictions to prevent a recurrence of the spring health crisis, reports Svenska Dagbladet.
The Swedish government has eased a series of crown restrictions. The curfew on nursing homes was lifted, the maximum limit for public gatherings was raised from 50 to 300, and it was announced that people over 70 and in other risk groups can start living like everyone else. Now, the Stockholm Medical Association wants to see a return to stricter restrictions. Writes Svenska Dagbladet.
During week 43, 2,966 new cases of infection were registered in Stockholm, according to the latest situation report from the region. A sharp increase from the previous week when the number of cases was 1,657.
Can lead to a second wave
Johan Styrud, president of the Stockholm medical association, tells SvD that the figures have gone in the wrong direction since the government eased restrictions and that there is a great risk of losing control over the spread of the infection. Something that in the worst of cases can mean a second wave that can be compared to the crisis that Sweden had in April.
– If nothing is done to stop the spread of the infection, we may have a situation where you are forced to rebuild the entire healthcare system. People who work in health have worked hard and we should not go back to that, he tells the newspaper.
Photo: TT
Johan Styrud, President of the Stockholm Medical Association.
There is also an increase when it comes to the number of hospital caregivers in Stockholm. Currently, 119 people with covid-19 are treated in emergency hospitals or geriatric care, which represents an increase of 34 people compared to the previous status report. Of these, 14 people receive intensive care. According to Maria Rotzén Östlund, an infection control physician in the Stockholm Region, the increase in confirmed cases is too great, and something that is being looked at very seriously in the region.
– Unfortunately, now we also see an impact on the number of people hospitalized. This is an increase compared to last week and means a greater burden on hospitals, he tells SvD.
Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT
You want to lower the crowd limit
The Medical Association mentions as an example of stricter restrictions that it wants to re-allow a maximum of 50 or 100 people in crowds.
Regarding the ban on visits to nursing homes, the association does not want to say if it is time to reintroduce it, but it believes that clear restrictions are needed on the social contact they must have.
– We must be very afraid of all the elderly in society and we must do everything possible to protect them, says Johan Styrud.
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
People with distance in a crosswalk.