GP has previously spoken about the two brothers. For more than 20 years, their mother Khadisa Mohamed Alikar had the apartment in Bergsjön and that is where the children grew up.
Earlier this spring, Khadisa Mohamed Alikar traveled to England to visit relatives. She never came back.
– Only later did I understand that it was covid-19 what I had received. She died in our relatives’ apartment and was buried in England, said Elias Mohamed Omar.
READ MORE: The mother died in covid-19, now the brothers are evicted
I got a verification message in the middle of grief work
Amid the pain came the next shock. A letter from the landlord Amlövs Fastigheter explaining that the apartment had been rescinded. Cause: the tenant had passed away. By last August, the brothers would be away from home.
– We have lived here for so long and we have never had problems with Amlövs, it has worked well. So this was a shock, Elias Mohamed Omar said.
He contacted the Tenants Association and together they visited the landlord.
– According to the Rental Law, the property must have the opportunity to take over the apartment. In this case, the estate is the two adult children, emphasized Pamela Möller-Ajani from the Gothenburg North Tenants Association.
But the property owner did not give up, instead referring to an unfulfilled parking ticket that resulted in Elias Mohamed Omar receiving a payment comment in 2019. Something that Pamela Möller-Ajani of the Tenants Association did not consider enough as a reason for refusing to take over the lease.
– If you have a point with the bailiff, it is difficult to get a new contract. But it is partly a transfer, partly an old debt that has been paid for a long time, he stressed.
READ MORE: The new owner wants to meet the evicted brothers
New owner – new opportunities
Amlövs agreed so far that the rental period was extended until November. Then the brothers would go out. Amlövs had already sold the property in Bergsjön.
– They have been given a break to live in the flat for a few more months. You can ask them how the new owners react to that, said the company’s chief executive Oscar Amlöv in connection with the eviction.
Fortinova fastigheter in Varberg was the new owner and with the change also came a new attitude.
He sat with the brothers in peace and quiet and went through the whole situation.
– You must be able to see case by case and make an assessment. They had lost their mother and already had a very difficult situation that we tried to resolve after good discussions and a thorough evaluation, says Ann Marie Derengowski, Fortinova’s head of administration.
The contract has been signed
They all finished renovating the apartment and Elias Mohamed Omar, 26, and Dahabo-Keyf Mohamed Omar were offered a new first-hand contract, both in force.
The other day the papers were signed.
– It feels very, very good and good. We immediately got in touch with the new owners and there have been good discussions all the time, says Elias Mohamed Omar.
He says it has been a difficult time.
“I am happy and relieved”
– First the death of the mother and then the dismissal. It has been difficult. But now everything is signed and ready, I am happy and relieved, he says.
Pamela Möller-Ajani from the Tenants Association is also satisfied.
– It has been resolved in a good way. The new owner has been very understanding of the situation and had a response that generated confidence. I’m glad we didn’t have to take the matter further, he says.
READ MORE: The crown crisis: no one of public interest should be evicted
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