Today is Hillary Clinton’s birthday. One may wonder what it has to do with the matter. But right now, exactly four years ago, he wrote a social media post that didn’t age very well.
Donald Trump’s third judge
A photo of himself as a young man and the text “happy birthday to this future president.” The day four years later, Amy Coney Barrett will be the third judge appointed during President Trump’s term.
No other president in modern times has appointed so many during one term. The most recent president to appoint more than two justices was Ronald Reagan, who during his eight years in office in the 1980s appointed four justices.
If Hillary Clinton had been right in her post four years ago, today, on her 73rd birthday, she would have appointed a judge who gave the liberal phalanx a 6-3 majority. Today, however, the numbers are the other way around, for the conservative side.
But can you even say that, really? On paper, judges are not political parties. They must interpret the law, nothing more. But conservative judges are often originalists. This means that they interpret the constitution in the same way that they believe it would have been interpreted in the 18th century by those who drafted it. While the most liberal judges interpret the constitution to fit the present. Therefore, the decisions of the judges usually end in a classic right-left policy.
“Clear answer for opponents of abortion”
But what does it really mean that there is now a clear conservative majority on the Supreme Court? For American opponents of abortion, the answer is clear. They see this as an opportunity to repeal once and for all the free abortion decision made in the 1970s. The role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the law and see if local laws and rulings violate the US Constitution.
How they decide creates precedents for the entire country. The hope of several conservative states is that one of their laws on the most restrictive access to abortion will be taken to court, which will then make a new decision that breaks the old one from the 70s that unequivocally granted women the right to decide for themselves.
The same is expected of those who are against same-sex marriage and other issues that can be considered liberal.
The judges of the Supreme Court are for life. The idea is that they shouldn’t have to make decisions to appease a certain president, or a certain group, in order to stay in power. They must be sure that they are sitting where they are.
This means that Amy Coney Barrett, 48, who is Catholic and conservative, will likely influence America for a long time. So whatever happens to President Trump in next week’s election, today’s nominee will inscribe him in history as an extremely influential president who will influence American politics for at least a quarter of a century. And for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, the 2016 wrong post probably hurts a little more today.