Minor parties in Slottsskogen – drugs happen


Almost every weekend since after the summer, a large number of young people have stayed at Slottsskogen on weekends. It has been on Friday and Saturday nights.

Therefore, the police have had additional oversight there for a long time, says Ola Skogsberg, a municipal police officer in the City local police area.

– It was in slightly different places. Azaleadalen, Plikta and Björngårdsvillan. They’ve been where it’s been brilliant, he says.

He states that young people come from all over the city and that they are usually between 50 and 200. Many of them are minors.

Alcohol, nitrous oxide, and drugs commonly

According to information, drugs, alcohol, and nitrous oxide have been common among young people.

A few weekends ago, field assistants reported that the masked youths were selling drugs at the scene.

Older youth must also have sold nitrous oxide cartridges to youth in high school.

Ola Skogsberg, the city’s municipal police, says:

– We try to avoid the sale of alcohol or drugs. There have been some sales. We have seen leftovers, tramadol packets etc when we were there. Sometimes you can smell it too.

Has it been messy?

– It wasn’t that messy. But it’s tough when it comes to young people, someone can get in trouble if it’s dark, says Ola Skogsberg.

“Trying to annoy them”

The police have not broken up any of the meetings that have taken place so far this fall.

– We try to be there and annoy them, almost mix them up. We walk around and check how you feel, so nobody feels bad or something There are also some fields there. But at the same time, you can be where you want to be if you don’t disturb public order, says Ola Skogsberg.

Now the police are preparing for the next weekend.

On Saturday, a huge Halloween party was announced on social media in the Azalea Valley in Slottsskogen, and those who plan to come, in turn, are invited to spread the message further.

The party is scheduled to last all night and visitors are also encouraged to dress up.

It’s called additional staff

The holiday coincides with the fact that this week is fall break in Gothenburg, where staff have been moved to work at night for the entire week and where additional staff have been called in.

– This week we have a fall break command. We have extra people every day so there are not many young people in the city. The city now also has gardeners from all over the city. This weekend, some from the Northeast were here and campers from the city are out this week, says municipal police Ola Skogsberg.

He continues:

– We have additional resources on Friday and Saturday, against Slottsskogen. Or where they can appear now. That can change quickly.

Throughout the week, the police are also accompanied by social workers at night.

READ MORE: Harsh words from the police to parents: take responsibility
READ MORE: Guards patrol the city to increase security.
READ MORE: The crazy drug parties – in the municipality’s own accommodation

Drug attack in a juvenile institution – employee investigated

The customs criminal has raided the Fagared youth home on the outskirts of Gothenburg.
