War of words between Erdogan and Macron: “Take a psychological test”


Of: Elle kari karlsson


The presidents of France and Turkey are in great conflict. France’s actions against radical Islamism have sparked protests in Turkey and proposals from President Erdogan.

“Take a psychic test,” the Turkish president said in a televised speech.

France responded by calling its ambassador to Turkey home.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that the French President needs psychiatric care for his image of Islam. In a televised speech on Saturday, the Turkish president attacked Macron.

What can be said of a head of state who treats millions of people of other faiths this way? First, do a psychic test, “Erdogan said in the speech.

France responded by calling its ambassador to Turkey home.

“President Erdogan’s comments are unacceptable. Teasing and insults are not an appropriate form,” Macron’s office said in a statement. Later on Sunday, the EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell came out and condemned Erdogan’s statement, which he also called unacceptable.

A young man holds a photograph of French President Emmanuel Macron, stamped with a shoe print, during a protest against France in Istanbul on Sunday, October 25.

Photo: AP / TT

A young man holds a photograph of French President Emmanuel Macron, stamped with a shoe print, during a protest against France in Istanbul on Sunday, October 25.

Photo: AP

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Hard against “radical Islamism”

President Macron has vowed to crack down on radical Islamism in France following the beheading of Samuel Paty on October 16. During a lecture on freedom of expression, the history teacher had used controversial cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad from the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The teacher’s assassination rekindled tensions over secularism, Islamism, and Islamophobia in France.

In early October, the French president delivered a speech on his strategy to combat “radical Islamism in French society.” Some commentators said the speech reflected a nuanced attitude, but others said it was offensive to Muslims.

Following the attack on Samuel Paty on October 16, the president renewed his promises.

“Islamists want our future,” Macron said.

The authorities have carried out dozens of raids, closed mosques and various associations linked to radical Islam. President Macron has stated that even more needs to be done to eradicate religious extremism in the country.

“We have intensified our actions in recent days,” Macron said Tuesday night, after a meeting with a crisis group created to fight radical Islam in the Paris area. He promised more shares. “This is not about making new statements,” Macron said. “We know what we have to do”.

Over the weekend, large-scale demonstrations were held in support of freedom of expression and secularism in France. On Sunday, the French ambassador to Sweden visited the SVT Agenda. He spoke about the reactions that followed the terrorist attack and the murder of history teacher Samuel Paty.

“People are disgusted by the amount of lies, ignorance and manipulation behind an 18-year-old who beheads a stranger on the street,” Etienne de Gonneville told SVT.

Photo: AP / TT

Frankrikes President Emmanuel Macron.


France is now accused of exaggeration, and also of racism. The accusations stem in part from Muslim countries, with Erdogan’s initiative this weekend at the forefront. But the accusations also come from liberal voices in the United States.

Among other things, The New York Times has written about “government action taken against Muslim individuals and groups.” American sociologist Crystal Fleming, an expert on white power groups, tweeted: “It is beyond sad to see French officials react to violent extremism with violent extremism.”


