“Terribly serious crime”
Of: Matilda Aprea Malmqvist, Sophie Stigfur
An ambulance during an emergency was struck last night by a stone that someone threw from a bridge over the E18.
Ambulance driver Bengt Larsson was shocked after the incident.
– Three people could have died and nine children could have been orphaned, he says.
Earlier this week, police raised the alarm about stones dropped from great heights, such as walkways, directly on cars. Police say they see signs of a new variant of the crime called sabotage against blue light operations.
Last night, ambulance personnel during an emergency in Täby nearly lost their lives after a large stone was thrown from a great height.
The ambulance that Bengt Larsson was driving was in an emergency on E18 with a patient in critical condition, with severe abdominal pain. when a stone, thrown from a catwalk near Täby, hit the hood.
– He crashed into the car and at first we didn’t understand what had happened. But when we leave the patient, we see the dent and then we understand, says Bengt Larsson, who was driving the ambulance.
He says the car passed milliseconds from the moment the stone hit the window.
Photo: Private.
Camilla Jedhem and Bengt Larsson were sitting in the ambulance when she was hit by a stone thrown from a great height.
– The window was certainly broken and I could have gotten it into my head. There is also a curve there and then the three of us had floated in complete danger of death. Nine children could have been orphaned, if we include everyone’s children.
No one was physically injured and the ambulance went to the hospital with the patient without delay. But the event leaves deep traces anyway, says Bengt Larsson.
– I’ve never been in a similar situation before. I’m cut off and I have to go to work now, it doesn’t feel so much fun having to stop there again.
“It is our workplace”
When ambulance drivers Andreas Westin and Lotta Ålander of the Samariten ambulance company arrived for work this morning, they were shocked when they saw the dent and found out what their colleague had been through.
– Sabotage against blue light operations is a terribly serious crime. We fulfill a social function. This is our workplace, we pass through this place ten to fifteen times a day. I don’t even want to think about how my colleague feels right now when he’s resting before the night shift, says Westin.
Photo: Private.
An ambulance during an emergency was struck last night by a stone that someone threw from a bridge over the E18.
Lotta Ålander says this is the first time the ambulance service has been exposed to something similar.
– For us it is something completely new, but colleagues from the rescue service have seen the problem for several years. We talk about similar things happening and sometimes we have the feeling that we need to be more prepared in certain areas and then go to the police.
“I hope you believe it”
It is unclear whether the stone was aimed at the ambulance or not. Police searched the area last night but did not find an alleged perpetrator.
Bengt Larsson, who was driving the ambulance, hopes that the person who threw the stone now really thinks about it.
– It’s deadly to put a stone through the window. It’s time to think because it’s no longer a child’s trick if you take someone’s life, he says.