When the lock opened in 1935, thousands of Stockholm residents gathered on bridges and quays to celebrate the cloverleaf-shaped traffic installation with then-King Gustav V. Almost eighty-five years later, King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria have to be content with cutting the gold ribbon in front of a much smaller audience.
The public has been urged to stay home due to the Corona pandemic and the opportunity to see something through the construction board around the large construction site is limited. People passing through the lock during the morning can barely see the event, even if Molly Hammar’s angelic voice flows through the speakers from the stage in the middle of the bridge. About fifty politicians, officials and artists are the only guests, as well as a contingent of the press at a distance from the crown secured with a telephoto lens.
Trafikborgarråd Daniel Helldén (MP) is on site and is very happy that the riders are the bronze winner. In the early years, almost half of the bronze lanes were rented to cyclists, as car traffic could not be diverted from Stadsgårdsleden.
– The bridge is oversized for car traffic in terms of size. But the fact that bicycles can now circulate here shows that the width and number of lanes are not in vain because they can be reassigned for walking, cycling and public transport. On the other hand, I think it will be technically difficult to create more vegetation on the bridge, as some have suggested, says Daniel Helldén.
The inauguration will be broadcast live from Stockholm city via guldfestslussen.se from 11.00 am. Bronze chief architect Spencer de Gray is at the link, artist Ernst Billgren and slussbrons project manager Ida Mann are on hand to discuss the future and appearance of bronze.
When City Councilor Joakim Larsson (M) welcomed everyone, it was time for the King to declare the new lock bridge open from the stage. Then, father and daughter will go with the guests to the bridge support in the old town to cut the gold ribbon together.
First over the bridge It is about twenty children from sports clubs in Stockholm. The rest of Stockholmers will have to wait until 5 a.m. tomorrow morning when the golden bridge opens to all traffic. So everyone expects a certain amount of traffic chaos.
– Yes, it will be temporary for a couple more years, and it will be complicated and it will take a while before you learn to behave in everything, not all parts are optimized, says Daniel Helldén.
Read more: Now the golden bridge opens, but only in the middle
Read more: Stormy path from the golden bridge to the lock