Vego sausages get hot, following a new EU decision | Weather


On Tuesday, the European Parliament voted on the future of the vegan burger and vegan sausage. Now they have decided that vegetarian products that call themselves hamburgers and sausages can continue to call themselves.

When it emerged that the EU would vote on the vegan burger and the future of the vegan sausage, it generated a lot of debate. Before the vote, 225,000 people had signed a protest list against the new bill that wanted to change the names.

However, oat milk and almond milk and other herbal dairy drinks may be forced to remove milk from their names as there is still a bill left. Suggested “buttered yogurt-like liquids” are suggested instead of milk.

“He has ridiculed agricultural policy”

– I’m relieved to have that discussion. He has ridiculed the importance of agricultural policy, says Fredrick Federley MEP (C) to Expressen TV.

Fredrick Federley is then asked how he will celebrate today’s decision.

– Maybe today they are vegotacos, he says.

READ MORE: The battle for the veggie burger in Brussels: ‘crazy proposal’
READ MORE: The European Parliament fights for Dawit Isaak

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Natural damage specialist Pär Holmgren on what can be done to stop climate change.
