We’re still at 50


During a press conference on Thursday, the government announced that the audience ceiling at cultural and sporting events will be raised to 300 people from November 1.

Skåne Region Regional Board Chairman Carl-Johan Sonesson welcomes the announcement. He himself has previously asked for flexible restrictions in Sweden.

– I think it is good that the government says that up to 300 can decide more regionally. Where the infection is low, it should be able to allow more audiences and where the infection is high, it should have a more limited audience, he says.

In Skåne, however, the number of infected has increased significantly in recent days and so has the number of hospitalized patients being treated in hospitals. Between Wednesday and Thursday, the number of hospitalized patients increased from 23 to 34, of which four were in the intensive care unit.

Sonesson: “It would have been strange”

Given the high infection rate, Carl-Johan Sonesson does not think it is the right situation to increase the audience in Skåne. It affects the Malmö Opera and the Skåne Dance Theater, which is owned by the Skåne Region.

– I don’t see any reason to increase the 50 we have in Skåne at Malmö Opera and Malmö Dance Theater, we stay there until further notice, he says.

– Right now we are in a period in Skåne in which you have to be a bit restrictive to increase this type of activity, when rather we look the opposite in other areas. How can we reduce the spread of infection? So it would have been strange to go up to 300 right now here.

Torgny Nilsson, Malmö Opera Press Officer, said Thursday night that he is definitely waiting for information.

– I am sure that Region Skåne, which also owns the hospitals, takes the best of the entire region in its decision.

READ MORE: Coronavirus expected to cost Skåne region 1.5 billion
READ MORE: Where do you want to transfer Landskrona Hospital, Stefan Löfven?

TV: Skåne Region Crown Council: “Take the Stairs”
