Malmö city mistake when shooting an angry swan


Of: TT


The female lone swan hatches next to the Malmö canal after the male was shot last spring.  Now all critical animal friends have got it right: the Administrative Court rejects the murder.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

The female lone swan hatches next to the Malmö canal after the male was shot last spring. Now all critical animal friends have got it right: the Administrative Court rejects the murder. Stock Photography.

Last spring protection hunters shot dead an angry male swan who aggressively defended his family against canoes and boats in the Malmö Canal. The killing sparked strong emotions and the city received much criticism from animal lovers. Now the Administrative Court rules that it was wrong to shoot the swan: the requirements for protection hunting were not met, writes Sydsvenskan.

The County Administrative Board had said yes to seeking protection, but the decision was appealed by nature conservation associations and several individuals who now obtained it immediately afterward. The Administrative Court writes that “protection hunting can only be allowed if very strong public interests are at stake.” The investigation has also not shown that the swan caused any serious incidents.

