Löfven in Borlänge prone to crime: unacceptable


Of: TT


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Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) talks to a journalist during a tour of the Tjärna ängar residential area in Borlänge.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) visited Dalarna on Wednesday. On the agenda was a visit to the Tjärna ängar district in western Borlänge, which has recently received national attention after several serious acts of violence.

– We must show that gang crime is unacceptable, says the Prime Minister.

A “risk zone”. This is how the Borlängestad part is described in last year’s police report. The classification means that the grasslands of Tjärna are on their way to becoming so-called “particularly vulnerable areas” if nothing is done.

The visit takes place under a gray sky, between gray houses. The Prime Minister listens to representatives of the municipality, the police and civil society. He learns of the attacks by newspaper messengers, the rescue of exchange students, but also hopeful and curious locals.

– It would have been better if Stefan had come for a better reason, but it is good that he comes to be able to do his own evaluation, says Khadra Osman, who lives in the area.

She believes that the media painted a skewed picture of the meadows of Tjärna, which she says is a welcoming place.

– I walk down the street and people I don’t know “encourage” me.

At the same time, several knife cuts and shootings have spooked the district in recent times.

– I don’t deny the problems. But problems are everywhere, and designating an area as vulnerable is not fair, says Khadra Osman.

“A fucking belief in the future”

Borlänge city council chairman Jan Bohman (S), on the other hand, wants to see tougher measures in Tjärna Ängar. He meets the Prime Minister in an empty cafeteria of a nursing home, around a table with other local representatives who can present their prepared speeches to the Prime Minister.

Löfven eats sandwiches, listens and nods.

– At Borlänge we have a fucking belief in the future and a determination to get away from the vulnerable list. We are determined to do that and we need the support and help of the state, Jan Bohman tells TT.

The city council wants to take a series of measures to improve the situation, including 75 new surveillance cameras and more security guards and police in the area.

– It is about more police on the scene, but at the same time also about long-term work to create the conditions for people to fulfill the wish of their most intimate dreams, so that they do not choose to end up on the path of crime. Then it’s about work and education, says Jan Bohman.

Löfven: “Restoring security”

And the commitment of the party comrade is a good example, says Stefan Löfven.

– The determination shown here is now also shown at the national level, he tells TT.

– The police are growing, we are tightening penalties and making it easier for the police to install cameras in, for example, an area like this, he continues.

During the visit, no new political messages will arrive, but what is said is mainly a replay and reminder of the Prime Minister’s earlier message.

– It is a very basic task of society to ensure that people can be safe, and that is why we must recreate the safety of streets and squares, he says.

