Shout if you need us


Contacts during the fall between Preem and the Ministry of the Environment have been deeper than previously known.

On the same day that Preem withdrew its application, Expressen revealed that Climate and Environment Minister Eva Svedlig had two meetings with Preem CEO Magnus Heimburg and sent several emails, including advance information about a budget investment, where Svedling asked Preem to “cheer” on the investment.

The road to the Preem refinery on the outskirts of Lysekil.Photo: ALEX LJUNGDAHL

At the KU hearing on Tuesday, it emerged that the CEO of Preem, who was already in the meeting with Svedling and Secretary of State Ibrahim Baylan (S) on August 26, reported that they had financial obstacles to be able to produce more energy. renewable.

Two weeks later, on September 11, Eva Svedling sent an email to the CEO of Preem with advance information about an upcoming budget investment, asking the oil company to “support” the investment by the Green Party.

Isabella Lövin can see that the tone of the email may seem inappropriate.

Can you understand that you have questions about this?

– I can understand that you see … that this very friendly tone may seem inappropriate, but this is in no way about prior information on details in politics that is especially adequate for Preem to participate in it, responds Climate Minister Isabella Lövin The KU audience.

Shortly after the article was published, one of Preem’s two lobbyists, Ludwig Kollberg, wrote a direct message on Twitter to Lövin’s press secretary, Jakob Lundgren:

Here the Expressen reporter meets Lövin after KU’s hearing on contacting Preem.

Lundgren replied the same day, September 28:

“Yes, but it is not strange that you took the time to do the review that you wanted to publish something. We thought it was good to line up and respond and explain. Isabella also made a longer comment on the importance of dialogue, but they did not include it. It is good that take it easy. “

The next day, September 29, Preem’s lobbyist Kollberg wrote to Lundgren again.

The moderates then called Lövin to the environment committee to answer questions about the contacts with Preem, even if the government has adapted its policy in accordance with Preem’s need for them to withdraw their application.

“I saw that M acted in the Expressen article. Shout out if you need us for anything.”

Lundgren responds:

“That’s politics! But we go to the committee and explain. No stranger than that.”

On Tuesday, Preem lobbyist Ludwig Kollberg responded to Expressen’s questions about the announcement.

What do you think you could help the Green Party with?

– No, there was nothing specific in mind. A natural dialogue. For us, it is natural to be of service according to capacity, he says and continues:

– I had nothing special in mind. It was our chance to extend a hand.

What services

– I didn’t think that far, he says.

Lövin: “We have been extremely transparent”

Jakob Lundgren tells Expressen that he thinks he has acted correctly.

After the conversation was forwarded to KU, lobbyist for Jakob Lundgren Preem announced that the messages had been requested.

Because you did?

– I always inform when something is requested, he tells Expressen.

Isabella Lövin responds to the committee:

– On the question of whether there is any contact between Preem and a press secretary from the Ministry of the Environment, I do not see that there was anything improper in the way my press secretary acted. It is common for companies to want to be willing to serve. We have been extremely transparent on this.

This is not the first time a Preem employee has had opinions about the Expressen disclosures.

When Expressen asked Preem about the oil group’s other lobbyist, Stig Nilsson of Lysekil, and his contacts with high-ranking Social Democrats, a surprising email arrived.

Preem press officer Dani Backteg described the investigation as a “tram angle”.

The email says:

“If you ask difficult follow-up questions, my recommendation is that you send them to the press service and that we do our best not to answer any more questions about you.”

Lövin on contacts with Preem

At the KU hearing on Tuesday, Isabella Lövin was heavily pressured about contacts with Preem.

Since the government was going to consider Preem’s request, the minister was asked if she could imagine a court acting as her secretary of state Eva Svedling and asking someone to “encourage” an investment.

– The email was about government policy, not about the permit issue, Lövin said.

Isabella Lövin also said that information on future budget investments that was emailed to Preem before they were released should not be viewed as advance information.

– It is not a preliminary announcement, it is a budget news that would be presented. It is important that the investments made are well received by society, says Isabella Lövin.

Lövin also responded that it is not surprising that the Secretary of State is asking Preem to support his investment in green credit guarantees.

“Asking someone to cheer was a hope of getting positive reactions from an important player,” replied Lövin.

READ MORE: The secret encounters between Preem and the S-tops
READ MORE: Isabella Lövin’s game before Preem’s decision
READ MORE: Lövin is called to KU – he will explain Preem’s email