Of: Sophie Tanha, Elle Kari Karlsson
On Friday, October 16, there were more than 150,000 new confirmed cases of corona in Europe.
That is the highest number so far.
As winter approaches, more and more countries are reporting regrettable new pandemic records.
On Thursday, Anders Tegnell said the week looks set to break records for the number of infection cases in Europe. Unfortunately, he seems to be right.
– And there is nothing to suggest that this is calming down, said the state epidemiologist at the press conference.
Anders Tegnell.
The Czech Republic has reported its highest daily figure with 11,105 new corona cases in one day, Reuters reports. A total of 160,112 cases have been identified since March.
With 1,747 new cases of infection, Austria has also reached its highest daily figure. The previous peak of 1,050 cases was reached in March during the first wave of infections.
Yesterday, 10,000 new corona cases were reported in Italy, which is the highest daily figure so far. The most recent peak was in late March, when just over 6,500 cases were found.
Poland also reaches record numbers: 9,622 new cases of corona have been reported today, according to the country’s health authority.
A total of 167,230 infections and 3,524 deaths have been found in the country. According to the authorities, 7,612 people are treated in hospitals for covid-19, of which 604 are treated with a respirator.
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT
As winter approaches, certain diseases increase.
Warns of winter
Europe in particular is singled out by the World Health Organization, WHO, as a continent at risk. This is due to the approaching winter and winter diseases as well.
– As the Northern Hemisphere approaches winter, the number of covid-19 cases worldwide is increasing, especially in Europe, says WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
In his introductory speech to a press conference, Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on all at-risk people to get an annual flu shot.
– Although the number of deaths in Europe last week was much lower than in March, hospital admissions are increasing and many cities report that intensive care units will be filled to the maximum in the coming weeks. Every hospital bed occupied by a person with covid-19 is a bed that cannot be used by someone with other illnesses, such as the flu.