The Jämtland Mountains welcome the majority of ski tourists with destinations Åre, Vemdalsområdet and Funäsfjällen in western Härjedalen as locomotives. In total, the area has about 100,000 guest beds.
Even if it’s about two months On the left until the ski season starts, the pressure on the reserves is greater than usual, shows a tour that DN has taken to the main organizers.
The publicly listed ski company Skistar dominates the market and has approximately 26,000 beds in Sweden spread over Åre, Sälen and Vemdalen. His forecast for the reserve situation at the end of September / October was ten percent higher for this winter season compared to the same period last year.
– People want to book earlier than normal and we have strong pressure on our own cabins and also on the hotels we manage, you want to secure your place, says Stefan Sjöstrand.
There are places left for Christmas and New Years, but those who book during the “low weeks” have a better chance of finding an empty cabin or hotel room in Skistar.

Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO of Skistar.
Photo: Skistar
The destination companies from Funäsfjällen, Åre and Sälenfjällen make the same claim. In Funäsfjällen, there are only a few houses left during the New Year and sports holidays, especially weeks eight and nine.
– Fall is our big sale period and people are already booking a lot. We are positive about the winter season, says Johan Thorn, CEO of Stöten, adding that investments in facilities with more and better slopes and increased restaurant capacity have contributed to the increase in the booking rate in recent years.
The corona pandemic has made more people choose to vacation in Sweden, but the trend began two years ago when “flying shame” became a concept, according to Stefan Sjöstrand. Also, outdoor life attracts more and more Swedes.
– There are clear macro trends to want to have an active vacation and do things as a family. And being in nature and staying in the Swedish mountains is a strong trend, he says.
Swedish Tourism Association, STF, confirm the picture. This summer, the walk broke the “crazy record” for the organization. Now the interest in cross-country skiing and excursions to the summits seems to be at stake. Interest in your courses and guided tours for these activities is great this winter.
– This one with the saws will be popular this winter. You don’t want to stand and be crammed into an elevator queue or heated cabin, but book your cabin and go on a trip yourself, says Jenny Engström, STF’s media and communications manager.
STF also has a very positive booking situation for the winter season, where most of its mountain homes are better booked than at the same time last year. Also, sports and Easter holidays are better booked than last year.
During Christmas and New Years, only the hill stations in Abisko and Grövelsjön are open and it is almost full there, says Jenny Engström.
– Then we have other accommodations that are connected to us that are open during Christmas and New Year, but there I do not know the status of the reservation. They make their own reservations.
Despite the good situation of the reserves, the pandemic has forced ski resorts to reduce the size of the sites and adopt a series of measures to prevent the spread of the infection. Skistar has had several consultation meetings with, among others, the municipality, the health service, the county administrative board and employers to coordinate efforts.
– We will do everything possible to make it safe for guests, says Stefan Sjöstrand.
The measures in the ski companies mean, for example, that restaurant diners can book dinner through an app, more outdoor cafes and extra low-cost on the slopes, automatic locks on the cabins so you don’t have to visit reception and have additional hostesses and guards outside the stores so that too many people do not stay on the premises. . The health sector will establish additional sampling units.
In the spring, parties in ski resort bars caused the virus to spread, Åre had several confirmed cases of corona infection in March with a connection to après ski. According to the CEO of destination company Åre, Therese Sjölundh, it is currently unclear whether the nightclubs will be open this winter, she tells Ekot.
In Stöten they plan to have après ski activities, but the question remains open.
– We probably have a simpler entertainment and that you sit at the tables and have guards. But if we can’t guarantee safety, we can’t have any après ski, says Johan Thor.
Skistar does not ski. But restaurant owners at their destinations are very careful to follow the Public Health Agency’s restrictions, says Stefan Sjöstrand. However, there will be no traditional après ski.
– On the other hand, “hang up after shift”, that you can meet and sit and talk during today’s shift on the hill, he says.
The uncertainty surrounding the pandemic has also led companies to relax cancellation rules. The ski traveler with the slightest sign of illness should stay home, is the message.
Another factor of uncertainty is the travel ban, which may be reintroduced if the spread of the infection continues to increase in Sweden. Companies do not want to speculate on the effects on ski resorts today.
– If they are the rules of the game, we must try to adapt to them as best we can. But it is clear that we are losing money, says Johan Thorn.