Löfven has two options: both lead to chaos
The threat of a government crisis has resurfaced since LO again said no to a new Las agreement.
Stefan Löfven squeezes from three directions. From the social partners, from the Left Party and the rest of the opposition and from the Center Party and the Liberals.
When negotiations on a new major deal on job security failed just over two weeks ago, the consequences were dire. Y
Led by the Left Party Jonas Sjöstedt He declared to the entire opposition that he wanted to oust the government in a vote of no confidence in the Riksdag.
If it had been lost, Stefan Löfven and his entire government would have been eliminated. Sweden had once again had a transitional government.
When LO now again said no to a new one proposed agreement, we return to the starting point. The only difference is that the emotions aren’t that hot yet, and the urgency doesn’t seem that great.
We take it from the beginning. The Employment Protection Law, Las, has existed for five decades. It is out of date and needs to be redone. It’s about greater flexibility for employers combined with greater security for employees. In other words, a tough nut to crack.
So far, everyone agrees. But the disagreement is over how to do it.
There are two sides to the Las mess. The law is partially operative, unions and employers can negotiate other solutions in certain areas within the framework of the law. It is the process, which has been underway since 2017, that has now gone to the grave for the foreseeable future.
The other flank is political. Under the January 2019 agreement, which made Stefan Löfven prime minister, the law will be investigated and amended. The investigation is complete and is pending consultation. Comments must be sent to the government no later than October 26.
The Center Party and the Liberals believe that the research proposals are good. The Social Democrats who are unbalanced in favor of the entrepreneurs.
Photo: Lotte Fernvall
Stefan Löfven is pressured from three directions.
Jonas Sjöstedt repeated during On Friday afternoon, threats to overthrow the government if he does not throw the Las investigation in the trash. His latest time limit, the fourth in a row, is that it will happen “soon.”
M, KD and SD have already said that they would vote no for the government in a vote of no confidence.
Right now it looks like Stefan Löfven you have to choose between plague and anger. Whatever happens, there will be chaos.
Or it does what the Left Party wants and then its base of government is broken. The parties behind the January agreement, S, MP, C and L, are different. By all accounts, Löfven must resign as prime minister. Then there will be a crisis of government.
Or it does what the supporting parties of the Center Party and the Liberals want, it presents a proposal for a new Las law that largely follows the investigation. In that case, it will be eliminated and then there will also be a crisis of government.
There is a third possibility. It is that the government, the Center Party and the Liberals take the impression of the answers of the consultation to the inquiry and present a bill that the Left Party can swallow. In that case, the crisis could disappear.
Everything is further complicated by the fact that Jonas Sjöstedt resigns as V-leader last October.
In short, it is a real disaster. The only thing that seems completely clear is that the threat of a crisis of government has resurfaced, which seemed to have disappeared.
Employers from the Confederation of Swedish Business and private PTK employees said yes to the draft agreement.
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