Ingvar Carlsson, Ines Uusman, Göran Persson, and Mona Sahlin.
None of the former S ministers still want to talk about the new discoveries about Estonia.
– This is something important. But for my part, I have left it, says Inés Uusman to Aftonbladet.
Three weeks have passed since the Dplay documentary overturned the image of the Estonian disaster.
The production team was able to discover a four-meter-high hole in the hull, which is now being examined by accident investigation authorities in three countries.
From day one, Aftonbladet has sought comment from responsible politicians throughout the 1990s.
But none of the then Social Democratic ministers Ingvar Carlsson, Ines Uusman, Göran Persson or Mona Sahlin wants to be interviewed.
Carl Bildt (M) and Ingvar Carlsson (S) during the funeral for the Estonian victims in the Great Church.
“No comment”
When Aftonbladet contacts Ines Uusman by phone, she explains that she has not seen the documentary or read articles about the damage to the ship.
– I have not seen the documentary or started reading either and there is a reason for it. That was 26 years ago. I have no comment, she says.
Inés Uusman was the Carlsson government minister responsible for the decision to cover the passenger ferry with concrete on the seabed. But after the popular storm, the government was forced to withdraw.
Photography: Roger Wikström / TT
Ines Uusman has not seen the Estonian documentary, she tells Aftonbladet.
When Aftonbladet asks questions about coverage, the former minister responds:
– No, I have decided not to comment on anything, because it will only go wrong.
Why don’t you want to say something?
– It’s like I said. It’s been 26 years and I haven’t been involved in this for many, many years so I will not respond at all.
Can you imagine answering questions later?
– I do not think so. I think it’s better that I give up, it feels better to me. Others can speak for themselves. But I don’t want to say anything.
Do you understand the interest?
– Yes, of course, this is something important. But for my part, I’ve stopped.
Lennart Berglund is president of the Estonian family association SEA and is outraged that the responsible politicians are refusing to comment on the new discoveries.
– Of course, they should comment and tell what they know and what they think. It is very important that we obtain that information.
“Direct sweeps”
Lennart Berglund says that the government’s decision to cover Estonia with concrete remains an open wound. Therefore, he is particularly upset that Inés Uusman does not want to say anything about what he describes as a proposal to establish a “mass grave”.
– It is directly cowardly not being able to have opinions about something as important as the one she has decided. You can hardly have forgotten that. She can’t put this behind her. I mean you should be able to defend what you have done and have an explanation instead.
Lennart Berglund and the family association now await a commission that will also question politicians.
– We demand that you fix this. How it sank and why. There, Inés Uusman and others will be able to answer questions about why the state acted in this way.