Crown Princess Victoria is a determined person. You want it to feel good; otherwise it says no!
Crown Princess Victoria is a rank environmental fighter. The fight for the well-being of the planet is one of your absolute heart problems, and the outside world has taken notice.
Not surprisingly, Victoria was chosen as one of the ambassadors for the UN’s global sustainability goals. Victoria delivered a speech at one of the organization’s climate conferences in May.
– It is said that necessity is the mother of inventions. It probably is. But heartbreak is also an extremely strong driving force for cooperation. We have seen it historically, we see it in the crown crisis, and we see it rewardingly also in working with global goals. 2030 is only ten years away and, yes, sadly we must say that we are now in what is, or will soon be, an emergency for the planet, Victoria said at the time.
But Victoria’s commitment is more than just beautiful words. Even in private life, the Crown Princess is very concerned with living in the most environmentally friendly way that daily life and duties allow.
Crown Princess Victoria works for the environment
Expressen reporter Karin Sörbring realized this when she played Victoria in a major report in 2017.
She then interviewed court staff and they told her that Victoria is an environmental fighter even in her spare time.
– He lifts the covers to the garbage cans in Haga and if you have made a mistake they scold you, but how nice, said one of the respondents.
– The king likes to drive his Mustang, but the Crown Princess is not comfortable in a car that uses so much fuel.
“I saw a snail”
An employee says that Victoria was already passionate about animals and nature as a child.
– He once asked the aide to stop the car on their way to Solliden’s bathhouse. The crown princess had seen a snail that she wanted to lift across the road. She sees it as well as she pays attention to the lady standing and waving at an official reception at Uppsala Castle, an employee told Expressen.
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