More dangerous to cross the street


Country after country alarms about new threatening infection rates. France has declared a national health emergency this weekend. Italy has reached higher daily figures than last spring. The infection is also clearly increasing in Sweden, especially in Stockholm.

But state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is hopeful:

– This is a disease that is unpredictable. It’s hard to tell what is right or what is wrong as it is so unevenly distributed. But I still believe that we can keep the infection at a manageable level in Sweden, tells Chefs newspaper Cissi Elwin.

“More dangerous to cross a crosswalk”

Tegnell says he has not yet been tested for covid-19 and that he does not believe he has been affected until now. He is not afraid of getting infected, continues the state epidemiologist.

– No, because I’ve been in much worse places, like during the Ebola -95 epidemic. I am also very confident in the knowledge that can be learned. It is much more dangerous to cross a crosswalk in the city.

According to the Trafikanalys authority, 34 pedestrians died in traffic in 2018. In 2019, 27 people died.

So far this year, 5,910 people have died with covid-19 in Sweden.

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Expressen has asked the Swedish Public Health Agency for clarification from Anders Tegnell. The authority’s press spokesman, Henrik Josephson, responds in an email:

You must understand that Anders Tegnell is exposed / exposes himself as a person to greater risks in traffic (he travels in rush hour traffic) than the risk of becoming seriously ill due to covid-19. The statement was not intended to compare the risks to the general public, or to underestimate the risk of covid in our society, but it was an explanation of why he personally is not afraid of covid.

Traffic analysis statistics state that 23 unprotected cyclists died in traffic in 2018. Last year, 17 cyclists died.

Expressen has searched for Anders Tegnell.

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