Voters in the center want Löfven as prime minister, not Kristersson


But Center voters prefer leader S to Kristersson


Every second Swede wants to see moderate leader Ulf Kristersson as prime minister.

Fewer, four out of ten, want to keep Stefan Löfven in the position according to Aftonbladet / Demoskop.

Ulf Kristersson (M) leads the Riksdag’s second biggest match. But more voters want to see him as prime minister than Stefan Löfven, who holds the presidency of the largest party, the Social Democrats.

Vannan voters, 51 percent, want to see Kristersson as prime minister. While only four out of ten, 40 percent, want Stefan Löfven to have the job. The rest do not know who they prefer of the only realistic candidates for prime minister today.

That Kristersson has the advantage in front of Löfven is not strange. The three right-wing opposition parties, M, KD and SD, draw nearly half of the voters according to voter barometers. They are unlikely to like Löfven as prime minister, he represents a different policy than what they want to see implemented.

The so-called January parties, that is, the government, the Center Party and the Liberals, gather just over half of the voters. That four out of ten want to see him in the prime minister’s chair in Rosenbad is also naturally.

Four out of ten want to keep Stefan Löfven as prime minister.

Photo: Lotte Fernvall

Four out of ten want to keep Stefan Löfven as prime minister.

But the most interesting part of the survey it is about what the voters of the Center Party and the Liberals think about the Prime Minister issue. Annie Lööf (center) and her then-Liberal party leader colleague Jan Björklund told voters that their prime ministerial candidate was Ulf Kristersson. It was an electoral promise.

But four and a half months later, after the longest government formation in history, Stefan Löfven was released as prime minister. The price he had to pay was the January deal, his biggest scalp was a series of factual political successes, and the certainty that the influence of the Swedish Democrats over Swedish politics was limited.

Liberal voters, if they voted for the Center Party or the Liberals, they are divided, but with a clear predominance of Stefan Löfven. 45 percent want Löfven as prime minister, 35 percent prefer Kristersson.

Photo: Björn Lindahl

Every second Swede wants to see moderate leader Ulf Kristersson as prime minister.

There is a crucial difference between the voters of the two parties. A large majority of L supporters want Kristersson as prime minister. While the majority of the voters of the Center want Löfven.

The moderate wet dream is for the liberal come home to the bourgeoisie. It seems his voters think so too.

The Green Party distances itself from the traditional political scale from blue to red. But their constituents know where they belong. Almost everyone wants Löfven as prime minister, hardly any Ulf Kristersson.

NOTE: The January parties are the ones that signed the January agreement, document on which Stefan Löfven’s position of power rests, they are the deputies and deputies of the government, as well as the center party and the liberals.

Aftonbladet / Demoskop

I want him as prime minister

Stefan Löfven (S) 40 percent

Ulf Kristersson (M) 51 percent

Doubtful, I don’t know 9 percent

The question asked: Stefan Löfven (S) is the Prime Minister of Sweden and Ulf Kristersson (M) leads the second largest party in the Riksdag. If you have to choose, who would you like to see as Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven or Ulf Kristersson?

This is how the survey was done

The survey was conducted by Demoskop on behalf of Aftonbladet in the framework of the Initiatives Panel, which reflects the Swedish people. The target group is the general public aged 16 and over. The survey covers 1477 interviews during the period of October 2-9, 2020 and is conducted as a web survey.

The selection is pre-stratified and weighted by age, sex, region and party in the previous election.

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Of: Lena Mellin


