Regional coordination review | Aftonbladet


Of: TT


Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren (S) wants the National Board of Health and Welfare to investigate how regions should be able to better cooperate.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

The Minister of Social Affairs, Lena Hallengren (S), wants the National Board of Health and Welfare to investigate how the regions should be able to cooperate better. Stock Photography.

The National Board of Health and Social Welfare will investigate how the cooperation of the regions will improve. They will also investigate whether it is necessary to develop a national staff reinforcement resource.

“The pandemic has highlighted the importance of flexibility, coordination and efficient use of available resources in health care. If an individual region is severely stressed, it is important that temporary reinforcements can be implemented quickly and without problems, “writes Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren in a press release.

Experience during the pandemic means that the government also wants to see if it is possible to develop a backup resource of national personnel, which can be deployed at short notice for emergency efforts to support a region whose healthcare is at risk of being overburdened.

