Of: TT
Photo: John Thys / AP / TT
Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin. Stock Photography.
A small popular storm broke out in Finland after the country’s prime minister, Sanna Marin (Social Democrat), posted a photo of herself on Instagram over the weekend.
The photo was taken for a fashion magazine and it is considered that Marin showed too much skin in the photo where she was seen wearing a jacket with nothing underneath.
– It seems to be the same thing that happens over and over again. Every time a woman in a position of power does something, there is a resurrection. So it varies what you did wrong this time, Charlotte Cederbom tells Yle.
Cederbom is a Ph.D. in philosophy and researcher at Åbo Akademi University with a specialization in the Middle Ages, law and gender.
A movement quickly formed against those who were skeptical of the Prime Minister posting the image and on social media, the images are now being spread under the #imwithsanna hashtag with people wearing jackets with nothing underneath.