Of: TT
Photo: Adam Ihse / TT
Lövgärdet is one of the districts that Gothenburg still wants to exempt from the EBO Law on housing for asylum seekers. Stock Photography.
Gothenburg breaks its previous decision to exempt the entire municipality from the so-called EBO Act on housing for asylum seekers. Instead, only certain districts are excluded, based on a decision by the municipal board.
The change comes after the county administrative board has concluded that the previous decision was contrary to the new rules agreed to by the government, the Center Party and the Liberals.
The Gothenburg ruled by the bourgeoisie now follows the government line. On the other hand, the Social Democrats of the municipality are very critical of the EBO law and the design of the exemptions.
“A hugely unfortunate message for everyone in Gothenburger,” Jonas Attenius, leader of the municipal group of Social Democrats, told Dagens Nyheter when the county administrative board gave its opinion.
The Ebo Law gives asylum seekers the right to move into a house that they have arranged themselves, so-called self-accommodation, with compensation withheld. According to critics, the law leads asylum seekers to move to areas where there are already many immigrants, leading to segregation and overcrowding.
32 municipalities have been allowed to make exceptions to the law. Eleven of them chose to exclude the entire municipality. This generated criticism from the government and changes in the rules, where the county administrative board can stop the decisions of the municipalities.
However, several municipalities, including S-ruled Malmö, have stated that despite the rule change, they also intend to exempt the entire municipality from the ebo law next year.