The district court acquitted the father of the charge when it was found that he had been too rowdy at the scene at the time of the incident and therefore it was difficult to prove who did what.
However, the Svea Court of Appeal believes that the SO teacher has left a clear and vivid story that seems credible. His story is also supported by several witnesses who were next to the teacher’s room, outside of which the father strangled Lars Nivbrant.
The court also means that the violence to which Lars Nivbrant was subjected was directly related to the performance of his duties; in other words, it was violence against an official.
– It feels good that the Court of Appeal reaches a conviction. For me personally, it may not be very important, but I think it is important in principle, says Lars Nivbrant about the Court of Appeal ruling.
He believes the reason for the father’s actions was that he feared the son would not enter the high school program that the parents want him to start. So there was a sort of classification that was behind that.
– I am very happy that my colleague has received justice. It’s a shame it took three years to come to this conclusion, says Thomas Nygren, a former union representative and fellow teacher at Lars Nivbrant.
DN has previously drawn attention the background to the incident, which occurred in late May 2017. The day before grades were set, SO teacher Lars Nivbrant received repeated visits from a student who would be graduating from ninth.
The student wanted to know why he got a grade B and not A in religion. The note had already been set during the fall term.
At 2 p.m., someone knocked on the door of the teachers’ study. Outside were the student’s parents, both father and mother. The student himself was also present, but remained in the background.

After the riot, a colleague took pictures of the marks that Lars Nivbrant got on his neck after what he describes as a strangulation.
Photo: Private
So far, everyone agrees. However, according to the Solna District Court, it was not possible to provide evidence that the father seized her and hit the teacher on the head during the riot that ensued. This despite several testimonies and photographs of the blushes that occurred around the neck, temple and forehead of Lars Nivbrant.
– I was surprised when my father was acquitted in the district court. I was attacked without provocation in the performance of my duties, Lars Nivbrant said when DN wrote about the acquittal.
The father trusted emergency law in both the district court and the court of appeal. He said that it was he and his wife who were attacked first and he was also very unhappy that they did not receive any, according to them, explanations for the rating that they could understand.
District Attorney Caroline Frohm appealed. Almost three and a half years after the incident occurred, the case was brought before the Svea Court of Appeal.
At the Court of Appeal, the prosecutor referred to two new witnesses, both colleagues of Lars Nivbrant. One said under oath that she saw how the father seized Lars, the other testified how he ran to the place where it all happened when he saw that it was a “fight”.
– This is a picture of a great development in terms of grades in school. It is increasingly common for parents to feel they have a right to have an opinion about the work we do, says Thomas Nygren.
The value of the crime penalty It corresponded to two years in prison, according to the Court of Appeal. However, the father was previously unpunished and, according to the Court of Appeal, the act appears to be a unique event. He himself has consented to community service in case of being sentenced, which is why the Court of Appeal lands on probation and community service.
SO professor Lars Nivbrant also receives a compensation of SEK 5,000.