Östhammar says yes to the final repository in Forsmark


The Östhammar City Council has expressed its opinion. The municipality releases its veto and allows Swedish Nuclear Fuel Management (SKB) to build a final depot of spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark.

– It is an unconditional yes, says the municipal councilor Margareta Widén-Berggren (S).

Ongoing since the 70s

Work to produce a final repository for Sweden’s nuclear waste has been ongoing since the 1970s. The municipality of Östhammar has been an active part in the process for 25 years.

– We have received answers to our questions, we feel that we are ripe for this. There is no reason to wait for the government. The rest of the process will be examined by the authorities in the step-by-step review, says Widén-Berggren, who has been involved for all the years.

Must rest for 100,000 years

In 2011, SKB applied to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and the Land and Environment Court for permission to build the final deposit at Forsmark.

Here the spent nuclear fuel is intended to be stored in copper capsules surrounded by bentonite clay, approximately 500 meters deep in the bedrock. The waste, which is the most difficult waste of Swedish nuclear power, must be isolated and allowed to settle for at least 100,000 years.

“I hope that the government takes responsibility”

The application is held by the government for further processing.

– Now I hope that the government assumes its responsibility and makes a decision to make this happen. It’s about how we take care of our nuclear waste, says Widén-Berggren (S).

In the early 2030s, SKB expects to be able to receive the first deliveries of spent nuclear fuel for final disposal.
