Estonian government demands new dives in Estonia


Last week, Chancellor Ann Linde received a letter from the Estonian government with a list of points that it is considered very important to investigate. The letter was sent by the Estonian Foreign Minister, Urmas Reinsalu, and is the result of what was decided at a cabinet meeting on October 6, something that Aftonbladet Be the first to report.

Among other things, they believe that the affected countries must move forward with a series of measures as soon as possible and ask the Swedish government to appoint a special contact person at the political level.

The importance of family member organizations being involved in the process is also emphasized in the letter.

Diving robots required

To implement the bullet list in practice, diving robots are required, which conflicts with the current decision on serious peace.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S) has responded to the letter as the responsible minister and believes that it is necessary to discuss alternative measures together.

“The international agreement protecting Estonia m / s should be considered as a burial place for those killed in the accident of disruptive activities,” he writes.

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Images from the documentary “Estonia: the discovery that changes everything”. Photo: Dplay