New theory about Estonia: the hole the cause of the disaster


Of: Sophie Tanha


The hole in the Estonian hull appeared for the first time, and is the reason why the bow visor came loose.

That theory is now being presented by Anders Ulfvarson, professor emeritus of marine construction technology.

– That the hole was caused by a rock at the bottom, I can certainly rule it out, he says.

The hypotheses as to what caused the newly discovered hole in the Estonian hull are many.

Anders Ulfvarson, emeritus professor of marine construction technology, does not want to comment on how the hole could have arisen. On the other hand, he feels convinced of how the course of events has gone.

– Of course I have speculated like everyone else, but now I do not want to guess but to come up with information in which I feel confident, he says.

Anders Ulfvarson, emeritus professor of marine construction engineering.

Photo: Private

Anders Ulfvarson, emeritus professor of marine construction engineering.

Photo: DPLAY

According to information from the documentary series, produced by Dplay, the hole is four meters high and has previously been partially hidden towards the seabed.

First the hole, then the bow visor

– I mean the Accident Investigation Board should have looked more closely at the possibility that there was a hole in the bottom and that the visor fell off as a result.

A bow visor falling off is an unlikely event at sea. That the hull at the same time has a hole below the waterline is unthinkable, he says.

– But if you imagine that you start with a wound, a hole in the bottom closer to the bow than the middle of the ship, then the bow is overwhelmed by the ingress of water. The bow visor suffers more stress and defects, says Anders Ulfvarson.

On a technical level, this means that an injury that occurs closer to the bow than the center of the boat causes the bow to adjust, that is, to sink. The bow of the ship becomes less buoyant and sinks even more. Then the stress on the visor becomes greater than it was designed for and breaks.

But what then does the theory that the bow visor was damaged first for other reasons and that the hole in the hull was caused by a rock or rock edge at the bottom, after the accident had already taken place, exclude ?

Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT

The hole in the hull is the reason the bow visor came loose, not the other way around.

Photo: DPLAY

The damage to the Estonian hull is four meters high and 1.2 meters at the widest point. Here it is illustrated in a graph.

According to the testimonials

– That the hole was caused by a rock at the bottom, I can certainly rule out with the following reasoning.

Here, Anders Ulfvarson talks about testimonies that were largely ignored by the Accident Investigation Board. He mentions in particular the water stories of the people whose cabins were on deck 1.

– The course of events is connected like a glove, he says.

“Several witnesses have said that when they passed Deck 2 while climbing the stairs, they observed cold water flowing through the intake and onto the ground. One witness saw water gushing out of the cracks around the closed doors that led to the car tires. He calculated the depth of the water in the ground to be one decimeter. “

That’s what the report from the Accident Investigation Board says.

– When you locate the cabins, you see that this is exactly where the newly discovered damage is located. Just there. The connection to damage and water ingress is so strong that bouldering can be ruled out at the bottom, says Anders Ulfvarson.

Photo: Jan Collsiöö / TT NYHETSBYRÅN

Dropping a bow visor is an unlikely event at sea. It is inconceivable that the hull at the same time has a hole below the waterline.

PODD All about the new Estonian data

Aftonbladet Daily talks to the director behind the documentary.

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