Continued supermajority for Orbán | Aftonbladet


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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Brussels in early October.

Photo: Olivier Matthys / AP / TT

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Brussels in early October.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party retains the supermajority in parliament that the party has had since the 2018 elections.

Fidesz has held exactly the 133 seats in parliament needed for a two-thirds majority, but the opposition had joined forces with a common candidate and was hoping to regain one of the seats in Sunday’s by-elections in north-eastern Borsod province. from Hungary.

However, it did not work. Fidesz’s candidate, Zsofia Koncz, received 51 percent of the vote and is now one of 199 MPs in the country.

The right-wing Fidesz party has ruled Hungary since 2010. The opposition believes Orbán leads a corrupt system, and several laws the party has applied have received international criticism, including one that makes it a crime to help illegal refugees.

This spring, Hungary came under fire when Parliament passed a law that gave Viktor Orbán and his government expanded powers during the crown crisis, including the fact that they could rule by decree that did not need to be approved by parliament. That special power ended in June.

