In three weeks, Nooshi Dadgostar will be elected the new party leader by the Left Party. In Ekot’s interview on Saturday, she supports Jonas Sjöstedt’s announcement of an additional option if the latest investigation is not withdrawn.
– Yes, there is no doubt about that. We have been saying this for two years and then I think it is the Prime Minister who condemns himself, he says on the program.
Nooshi Dadgostar believes that since the other opposition parties supported a motion of no confidence against Stefan Löfven, it is clear that the bill on changes in labor law has fallen and cannot be introduced.
Instead, he hopes the union and employers still agree. Otherwise, it is willing to negotiate with the January parties for an alternative to the latest investigation.
– You can give notice if you want to remain prime minister. We’re even ready to sit down with the other January parties, he says, in Saturday’s interview.
She awaits a response to Sunday’s party leader’s debate on SVT, but cannot answer what will happen if there is no response.
– The most important thing for us is that we solve the problem, he says.