Ella Bohlin, the leader of KD, is responsible for the care of the elderly in Stockholm and demands that the public follow the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency.
At the same time, she’s going to a celebrity party filled with close contact, dancing, and cuddling.
– So in hindsight, maybe I should have given up, he says.
Ella Bohlin is a care development counselor in Stockholm and is responsible, among other things, for providing competencies for the health care system and the care of the elderly.
He has repeatedly urged Stockholmers to follow the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendations to curb the corona pandemic.
In a summer speech at the end of June, he emphasized that there is still a spread of the infection in society. “Therefore, we must think about continuing to maintain social distance, we must wash our hands and we must ensure that we do not unnecessarily burden medical care. To all of the fantastic healthcare staff in the region, you have worked hard this spring! To fight the coronavirus! she said.
But social distancing is not something Ella Bohlin herself maintains. The Christian Democrat can be seen in several photos at the celebrity party where party leader Ebba Busch also participates. At the party, participants sit together, kissing, dancing, and hugging.
The party took place on the weekend of September 26-27, just days after Prime Minister Stefan Löfven urged the Swedish people not to participate in the parties because the spread of the infection is at risk of accelerating again.
Ella Bohlin at the party.
“Better to stay home”
Ella Bohlin tells Aftonbladet that maybe she should have refrained from going to the party.
– The basis of my decision was how many people would be there. When I saw that it was like 20, I decided I could participate, I was very focused on the 50 limit. But in hindsight, maybe I should have given up.
Furthermore, he says he tried to maintain social distancing. But he tells at the same time that he participated when dinner turned into a dance and that he hugged the hostess.
Had you been to a similar party today?
– It’s difficult to say, you always have to make a trade-off. The rules that exist that there should be no more than 50 people are absolutely crucial. But now that we see that some numbers are pointing in the wrong direction, I think it is even more important that you make well thought out decisions, I will do so in the future.
The recommendation is not to go to a party, be it more or less than 50?
– That is the word of the prime minister that yes.
Don’t you share that assessment?
– Yeah, it’s probably a smart rule and I intend to keep applying it after this.
On June 24, you published a summer greeting in which you were clear that the spread of the infection has not ended, you urge the inhabitants of Stockholm to maintain social distance and follow the recommendations of the authorities. Why does this not apply to you?
– It definitely applies to me, it applies to everyone.
Is it easy to get the impression that the rules apply to others but not to you?
– I focused on the 50 person limit. But in hindsight, maybe I should have given up.
PODD So a vaccine can be ready
Aftonbladet Daily speaks with coordinator Richard Bergström.
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