Sewage analysis can show coronavirus levels or vomiting outbreaks. But the researchers believe there is a lack of interest among politicians to invest in the analyzes. – It is not reasonable in the long term for the Swedish public health system to have the support of student volunteers, says David Nilsson, associate professor at KTH.

A public toilet in central Stockholm. Analysis of the sewage showed new high levels of the coronavirus earlier in the week. Stock Photography.
Sewage can show influenza and prevalent viruses before patients reach hospitals. On Monday, KTH analyzes showed that coronavirus levels in the metropolitan area are increasing. Similar analyzes have been conducted at the University of Gothenburg since February, after the spread of the infection in China was discovered.
– There are several reasons to do this, not just the coronavirus. There may be other viruses such as winter vomiting that can be found in sewage and see if there is an ongoing outbreak, says Heléne Norder, a virologist and associate professor in the Department of Biomedicine.
In studies from 2014 and 2017, winter outbreaks of vomiting were discovered in the sewage of the University of Gothenburg before the health service noticed, enabling preparation for nursing homes and in the healthcare system.
– It was the same with sars-cov-2 this spring. Two weeks after the increase in sewage, the number of patients admitted to the hospital increased. According to our data, the hospital management could detect it and plan based on the risk of more patients coming to prepare the beds. Then it also came continuously in four waves, says Heléne Norder.
Similar studies are being carried out in Uppsala, among other places, and the analyzes could have been carried out across Sweden in terms of equipment, according to David Nilsson, associate professor and director of the KTH Water Center.
But it requires resources.
– There are many who can do it, but what is lacking is a clear order and a clear concentration of power of the national or regional authorities. An individual university cannot do this in the long term.
Instead, Nilsson wants to see political decisions and money set aside to continue and develop the investigation.
– Yes, otherwise this will not become a really sharp tool.
– What does this add that we no longer see? I am very indecisive about that. We have other better systems that tell us what development is like in Stockholm, Anders Tegnell tells the newspaper.
David Nilsson agrees that the analyzes that are done need to be developed.
– The criticism that comes now is that this is not so safe and that it is a new method that must be developed. Yes, but who will develop it then? KTH does not have its own resources to operate.
As an example, take the Netherlands, which tests water at 300 locations under national auspices, and also the United Kingdom and the United States, which developed the tests.
– In Sweden, there is no one to promote the issue.
Heléne Norder had also wanted to see more investment to finance wastewater analysis in Sweden.
– I think you should at least test it for two years and then evaluate it. I think you can get a lot out of it. You should pique that interest, she says.
Currently, KTH funds wastewater analysis through foundation grants, with its own funds, and with student contributions.
– It is not reasonable in the long term for the Swedish public health system to have the support of student volunteers, says David Nilsson.
KTH water analysis of wastewater
KTH Vattencentrum co-finances the research work together with Chemical Engineering and Sustainable Development. The project has also received support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
The samples show a sharp increase in the amount of coronavirus in the capital area since the end of August and that they are now at the same levels as in May.
The analyzes have been criticized, among others, by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell for being unreliable.
Source: KTH, SVD.