You will receive the same treatment as me, free


Since Donald Trump was released from the hospital, he has repeatedly said that he is fine. The president’s own doctor announced on Wednesday that Trump no longer shows any symptoms of the covid-19 infection.

in a video on Twitter Trump praises American healthcare and highlights the drug he received: Regeneron.

– I spent four days there, I did not feel completely at the top. Pretty quickly, they gave me Regeneron and other things too, but I think that was the key. And it was amazing. I felt good right away.

Another pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, is also said to be on the way with a covid-19 drug.

– We try to get them out in an emergency. I have approved it, says the president in the Twitter video and says that “hundreds of thousands of doses” are ready.

– It did me good. I call it a priest. We have to take him to the hospital so that people feel better, for me it is more important than a vaccine.

“I want you to get what I wanted”

Donald Trump says the FDA has worked faster than ever. He continues:

– I want everyone to receive the same treatment as their president. Because I feel great, I feel perfect. I think it was a gift from God that I received it (crown). It was a blessing in disguise. I got it, I heard about the medicine, I said “let me take it”, that was my suggestion. And it was amazing how well it worked. I want you to get what I wanted, and I will get it for free. You shouldn’t pay for it.

– It was not your fault that this happened, it was China’s fault. And China must pay a lot for what it has done to this country, for what it has done to the world. It was China’s fault, remember.

READ MORE: Trump has no symptoms, shows signs of antibodies

Anders Tegnell after Donald Trump’s tweets.
