Russia seeks Tikhanovskaya for crime


Of: TT


Belarusian opposition leader and presidential candidate Svetlana Tichanovskaya.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Johanna Geron

Belarusian opposition leader and presidential candidate Svetlana Tichanovskaya. Stock Photography.

Russia is seeking opposition leader and Belarusian presidential candidate Svetlana Tichanovskaya for a crime.

It is not clear what the allegations are about, but his name is in a database maintained by the Russian Interior Ministry, Russian media report. It is also unclear when Tichanovskaya’s name was entered into the registry.

Tikhanovskaya fled to neighboring Lithuania following the presidential elections in Belarus on August 9, which were officially won by President Alexander Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994. During his exile, he met with several foreign politicians and continued to demand Lukashenko’s resignation.

The Kremlin has supported the president in the ongoing fight, where large crowds gather every Sunday to protest election fraud and demand his resignation.

At the same time, Belarus is diplomatically isolated. Since Poland and Lithuania called their ambassadors in the country on Tuesday, Estonia and Latvia also did the same the next day. This is after Belarus withdrew its ambassadors from Poland and Lithuania on Friday.

The Baltic states were the first to impose sanctions on Lukashenko and others in the post-election regime.

