Tegnell: Christmas without family party and homework this spring


Johan Carlson, director general of the Swedish Public Health Agency, said on SVT’s agenda Sunday night that measures to curb the spread of the corona pandemic will be in place for at least a year. DN has asked state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell what this might mean in practice.

Does that mean we have to adjust to working from home next spring?

– We’ll see, but if you can work from home, at least once in a while, I think it will be a good idea for a long time.

What restrictions will last the longest?

– Large concentrations where it is not possible to keep your distance, I think you should keep avoiding. There is potential that is difficult to manage, says Anders Tegnell.

– Working from home will still be good. Elderly care will definitely need to be very careful not to get the infection.

Right now the infection is spreading highest among young adults in the 20-29 age group. This was also the situation this spring, after the sports holidays. After that, the infection entered nursing homes and, according to Tegnell, the regions must now work hard to avoid a new situation of this kind.

How to think before the Christmas weekend?

– You should think about the tips and recommendations we have. Don’t gather too many in one place. If you do get together, it should be possible to maintain a proper distance and have good hand hygiene, says Anders Tegnell.

– You should not meet many people you do not know regularly.

So isn’t it the time for big family reunions?

– No, I don’t think it’s a good opportunity for big family parties, especially if the elders of the family are involved.

Neither Christmas dinner with coworkers?

– No, we have seen some signs of this type of context, where they met outside the workplace and where there was a spread of the infection. It is a clear sign that it is a risky opportunity.

Europe glows dark red on the map of the spread of the infection that the Public Health Agency shows at each press conference. Madrid has been closed again and strict restrictions have been imposed on Paris and other large French cities. In many countries, the crowd limit has been lowered.

Should I avoid traveling within Europe?

– Today there are clear problems to travel in Europe. How the situation looks, it is very important to have good control over what it looks like in the place you are going. Partly to protect yourself, but mostly because it can lead to quite a few restrictions that must be followed.
