Of: TT
Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT
The leader of the Moderados party, Ulf Kristersson, and the economic-political spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson present the party’s alternatives to the state budget.
The moderates do not intend to help the Left Party stop the government’s proposal to reduce employer contributions for youth.
No, unless V buys M’s tax package with a new employment tax deduction and reduced corporate tax.
– I see few preconditions for us to agree on that, M’s political-economic spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson said at a press conference on M’s alternatives to the government budget.
The economic-political spokesperson for V, Ulla Andersson, also does not see the conditions to accept the demands of M.
– It doesn’t seem serious, they just don’t want to, he says.
Andersson believes that M has come under heavy pressure from the Swedish Business Confederation.
They are critical
Both M and V believe that the government and cooperation parties’ proposal to reduce employer contributions for 19-22 year olds is a costly and inefficient proposal that provides few new jobs. Swedish Democrats and Christian Democrats have said they can imagine being part of stopping the downsizing, but since M doesn’t want to run the line, it won’t happen.
M says they focus their budget proposals on reducing unemployment and fighting crime.
One of the proposals in M’s budget proposal is a new employment tax deduction of SEK 24 billion. According to M, it reduces the marginal tax for everyone who earns up to 32,000 SEK a month and would give a person with an average income 500 SEK more in their wallet.
At the same time, the tax on pensioners is reduced, according to proposal M, so that taxation is equal. M reduces taxes for retirees by 10 billion, 2021.
Reduced corporate tax
The party also wants to reduce corporate tax, which is estimated to mean that the state’s tax revenue will decrease by SEK 5.9 billion in 2021.
To finance the tax cuts, M says no to many of the government’s, Center Party and liberals’ tax proposals.
M also saves about SEK 16 billion in development assistance and more than SEK 13 billion by reducing unemployment benefits to the levels that prevailed before the crown crisis. Construction subsidies are eliminated and immigration policy receives less money.
The moderates also want to introduce a cap on tax increases, which means that municipalities and regions that increase taxes during the crisis lose half of the additional state subsidies.
– If there is something that negatively affects the economy, it is the increase in taxes. They are not the solution to strengthening well-being, says Svantesson.
Lower budget
Other proposals are to introduce a grant cap, which means grants can never be higher than wage for work, give more money to the judiciary, and implement criminal policy changes, such as introducing double penalties for criminal offenders. gangs, visiting areas, and criminalization of membership. in criminal gangs.
M also wants to reduce the gasoline tax by SEK 7 billion.
The moderates’ budget proposal is around SEK 20 billion less than the government’s budget bill.