The minister does not want to speculate on why the death toll in Norway is so different from that in Sweden. But one explanation may be that Norway acted faster, he believes. Among other things, by introducing a restraining order in nursing homes.
– I have not perceived it as if Sweden and Norway had such different strategies. There has been a difference in the times when different rules have been introduced. The results regarding deaths are different and it will be interesting to see if a good explanation for that difference can be found, says Bent Høie in Aktuellt.
The number of new corona cases has recently increased in Oslo. In the last two weeks, 603 new cases have been registered in the Norwegian capital, according to Dagbladet.
Restrictions eased
But despite the increase, Norway is easing some of its restrictions. Taverns can now be open until midnight and the crowd ceiling has been raised to 600 people.
Swedish Interior Minister Mikael Damberg said last week that it is “starting to be difficult to keep up” with all Norwegian restrictions, with which Bernt Høie agrees.
– We think the alternative of having very strict rules in areas where there has been no contagion for a long time is bad. Then you are afraid that people will get tired and will not have the strength to follow the guidelines, he says in Aktuellt.
Other restrictions that have been debated are the rules for Swedes traveling to Norway, as only people from certain Swedish regions should be quarantined.
The good news: immunity earlier than expected