Mona Sahlin. Sargad, sad, but back, with her special charm and humor in the book “Power-Loose”. Certainly poor, living on a measured pension due to tax crimes and debts that went to the bailiff, but at the same time dear grandmother. Live in an apartment in Hultsfred.
I read and listen to interviews where she squirms and becomes the “mysterious” Mona. The social case is terrifying and fascinating. Because you are vulnerable, you expose your throat, you feel guilty, you acknowledge the intoxication of power, it’s hard not to feel compassion. Everything else would be inhuman.
But if you try Taking a step back and creating some distance between the writing of the story, which she was now in charge of herself, and seeing what the issue really was, is more complicated.
Mona Sahlin came one hair short of becoming Prime Minister of Sweden.
His career started early and it was fast. Ingvar Carlsson saw that here we had a political animal, agile, quick to respond, also a woman, who “went through the window”, as it was called then. He bet on Mona Sahlin and undoubtedly enjoyed, like many others of her oneliner over short skirts and more. She privatized the prosecution, she was ready for battle, she was tough and stylistic.
So the Toblerone deal fell through in 1995. I worked at Expressen, I remember sitting with the reporter who made the reveal, Leif Brännström, and a few others in our dining room. We did not understood. How could Sahlin be so reckless if she now wanted to become party leader? At the time, we did not know that it was a patron and that reminders had long been sent to government offices that the party had been involved in leading and helping. But it didn’t work, nothing changed, and eventually someone leaked to the press.
Mona Sahlin dressed Dressed in white, she took the blame, but insisted she wasn’t a trickster and took a break. He was forgiven and returned. First as a minister, then as the first female party leader of the Social Democrats.
After getting nervous about LO (more like falu sausage with the kids than entrecote with LO), she committed a crime with the party’s own voter base. A group from which SD was subsequently able to recruit well. Mona Sahlin focused instead on LGBTQ issues, immigration, minorities and racism. Although that did not mean that the electoral base was broadened – those groups probably did not go anywhere else – their commitment brought the good that the issues were carried into politics.
She resigned as party leader and now I hear that she still regrets not having had a chance to become Sweden’s first female prime minister.
Honestly, I have a hard time understanding that. Even if you have an ego that says you can navigate on top of most things, it’s weird that she still thinks it would be a good idea.
A person who writes fake certificates for a bodyguard, punished for tax offenses and in two years receives 98 parking tickets, of which 32 go to the sheriff, he should probably still think of himself as a proper prime minister. Despite the great support even at the end, where Foreign Ministry employees traveled in vain to help Mona Sahlin on an international mission, the notorious oversight has been a permanent feature throughout the years. Board meetings where she never showed up, events where she was a Band-Aid but was prevented at the last minute.
In 2016, I myself received a letter signed by Mona Sahlin, chair of the board of the Anna Lindh Memorial Fund, of which she had previously been a member and where activities appeared to have ceased when Sahlin took office. “I want to start by apologizing /… / We have had no staff for about 6 months and we have had major problems with our data server.”
I think Mona Sahlin should be grateful and relieved that she did not become the first female Prime Minister of Sweden.
Read more chronicles and other texts by Maria Schottenius
Read more: A “King Lear” in the feminist vintage