Criticized for lack of security on stage “Idol” – took three days to report
Of: Torbjörn Ek
TV4 knew of the suspected corona infection, but did not inform the “Idol” staff.
Just three days later, employees received information through Aftonbladet.
Now executive producer Malin Knave is apologizing for handling the channel’s crown, according to email conversations Aftonbladet received.
The viewer’s favorite Caspar camitzThe 25-year-old, who was the first contestant to get corona sick, received antibodies and was thus able to perform his competition song from the studio stage “Idol” on Friday.
But four “Idol” contestants were forced to sing from their hotel rooms because they still carry the disease. Between Herman Silow, 2. 3, Nadja holm, 22, and Affe Hagström, 21. Already on Monday, Aftonbladet was able to report that the covid-19 was still spreading among the participants of “Idol” and that another was infected. In the transmission he counted Mattias NedermanThe 26-year-old, who this week tested positive, was also forced to perform his song from his hotel room.
Caspar Camitz.
TV4 in crisis meetings after strong criticism
Even behind the scenes, several people who work with “Idol” have been infected by covid-19.
Now Aftonbladet can reveal that TV4 and producer Fremantle have held crisis meetings during the week after receiving strong criticism from people who worked with the production of “Idol” and were infected.
Originally, Fremantle and TV4 managers attempted to claim that those in production affected by corona might have been infected elsewhere. But now they are backing down and in the email conversations Aftonbladet has participated in, the TV4 executive producer is asking Malin Knave and one of the Fremantle producers apologized for not contacting everyone who worked on the production of “Idol” more quickly and reporting the corona infection.
Photo: Peter Wixtröm
Malin Knave.
He kept the infection a secret for three days
Caspar Camitz has told Aftonbladet that he fell ill on Saturday night after Friday’s final of qualifying week. But several who worked with the “Idol” broadcasts did not receive any information until they could read that he tested positive for COVID-19 on Aftonbladet on Tuesday night, three days later.
In the email conversations Aftonbladet has read, TV4 and Fremantle have been criticized for not taking crown security seriously behind the scenes of “Idol” and for not ordering social distancing other than for television cameras. In their emails, Knave and the Fremantle boss admit that immediately after the corona infection became known, they should have contacted everyone involved in the production of “Idol.”
No compensation
Many in the “Idol” production are freelancers with individual companies, but according to information from Aftonbladet, TV4 and producer Fremantle have yet to offer any compensation to those infected with corona and thus lose income from work during their isolation.
Aftonbladet has repeatedly contacted TV4’s Malin Knave via the “Idols” press officer with questions about whether the TV channel took the corona pandemic too lightly and thus exposed employees. to unnecessary risks. She still hasn’t returned.
After Aftonbladet released the information, the TV4 communications manager will listen instead Charlie forsberg via SMS:
“TV4 has openly reported in various comments how the production works safely. We have nothing to add about the internal work of production, ”he writes.