Young woman spat and kicked the police


Police received an alarm at 10:13 pm about a disorderly man at ICA Kvantum in Hovås.

The man in his 50s had taken a lot of goods but refused to pay for himself.

– The man was disorderly and not cooperative at all and in relation to the guard holding him, the guard is threatened and even a little pushed. The man is therefore suspected of petty theft, illegal threats and violence against an official, says Christer Fuxborg, a police spokesman in the western region.

At 10:30 p.m., the police were called to Järntorget, where security guards took care of a 25-year-old girl who was very loud and rowdy.

“He kicked the police in the leg”

– She was a renewed woman who did not want to adapt to the line and the police were sent to the place. She spun and spit and even kicked a policeman in the leg. Therefore, the woman is suspected of committing acts of violence against an official, says Christer Fuxborg.

He explains that it is quite unusual for people to continue making noise when the police arrive at the scene.

– It may be High Chaparall when fighting with the security guards, but when the police arrive on the scene, it usually has a reassuring effect. But in this case with the disorderly young woman, it was not like that. It was almost like we were another piece of wood on the fire, says Christer Fuxborg.

Throw stones at the police car

Later that night, another police patrol was subjected to violence.

– At Skånegatan Police Station, we have company cars parked outside. Then it was a person who threw a stone at one of the police cars and with the help of witness information and camera surveillance, that person could be arrested, says Christer Fuxborg.

A man in his 30s is suspected of vandalism in connection with the incident.

Christer Fuxborg explains that tough weekends have not been greatly affected by the coronary pandemic.

Instead, he sees a clear connection to when the salary is paid.

– Weekend rush depends a bit on the pay cycle. We have more police on duty on weekends and additional reinforcements on paid weekends, he says.


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