Police suspect: youth urged to light fires in schools


On Sunday evening, the police and the rescue service had to retreat to Ekdalaskolan in Mölnlycke.

A “minor fire” had broken out at the school entrance, which had started all along on a moped that was positioned just outside the entrance door.

According to the police, this may now be a trend that has reached the Gothenburg area.

Last week, Örebro police came out and warned that there was a “challenge” among young people on social media. There, they activate each other to set fire to the trash cans in their respective schools and the school that receives the most fires “wins.”

– It is awful. So you don’t understand the seriousness and the consequences, says Therese Beme, municipal police in Örebro to SVT.

Now the police are working on the theory that the challenge has also reached Gothenburg.

Police theory: “fire competition” has arrived in Gothenburg

– There is nothing I can confirm, but it is a theory that we are working with, says Kristina Isaksson, head of preliminary investigation of the Gothenburg South police.

Kristina Isaksson says they have had a close dialogue with colleagues in Örebro and Dalarna who have had similar problems with school fires.

In conversations with the rescue service, school staff and leisure leaders, information has also emerged that a so-called “challenge” is occurring among young people.

This doesn’t exactly feel like a normal youth bully. How do the police see this kind of challenge?

– It is difficult to call it ordinary juvenile delinquency, it is actually not a very common crime. We do not have a biweekly arson directly in schools every day. But when there are more events coming up, you obviously start to wonder a bit what’s going on, says Kristina Isaksson.

Kristina Isaksson is now also warning young people and asking them to stop.

– As a young person, you may not have that sense of consequences and see what effects it can have, especially financially, if you were convicted. As an adult, you have to take the tough questions and dare to discuss the consequences with your kids, he says.

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