Trump has a crown, this is how New York reacts


Of: Emelie Svensson


NEW YORK. “Karma”. “No surprise.” “Worry before the election”, or even “nonsense”.
This is how Trump’s former hometown of New York reacts to the news that the president has been infected with the coronavirus.

Judith Lieberman, 72, strolls among the market stalls in Union Square on Friday morning. She is one of those New Yorkers who woke up to the news that Covid-19 had reached the Oval Office.

– It’s karma. But with many serious consequences. Half the brain says “haha”, but you are also deeply concerned about the effects this may have. We just hope the elections are frictionless, he says.

Half of Judith’s face is covered by her mask, which is a requirement in many places in New York. She shrugs that Trump now belongs to the millions of Americans who have been infected.

– He had been very cheeky for not wearing a mask, just like most of the people in his circles. That way, it is not surprising.

Judith Lieberman, who was infected with corona in the spring, believes that Trump has failed to convey how dangerous the virus is, even though he knew it. And she is disappointed that he doesn’t seem to have listened to the researchers and experts.

“It would be really bad”

He doesn’t know if Trump’s illness will affect the election, but he believes his supporters don’t seem to be affected by everything he does. Although he disapproves of Trump’s policies, he is concerned about his health.

– I think it would cause instability if he got seriously ill or even if he died. That would be really bad. I don’t think we need more chaos. These are things that we never thought we would have to worry about.

A short distance away is 20-year-old student Francisco Morandi, who is also not surprised that Trump has tested positive for corona.

– It is clear that the three world leaders who have taken the virus at least seriously – Bolsonaro in Brazil, Boris Johnson in the United Kingdom and now Trump – are also the victims. Trump has continued with his big election rallies and we’ll see how many more he and his employees have infected, he says.

Francisco believes that the next presidential candidate debate will be canceled and that the president will be forced to rethink his main electoral campaign meetings in the near future.
– You may have to start sticking to what Biden does, with more social distancing. That can be good.

“It happens when you’re not careful”

The first thing 49-year-old Billay Benitec thought of when she heard that Trump was infected was that she noticed that Joe Biden and his family seemed more careful about wearing a mask during the election debate earlier this week.

– This is exactly what happens when you’re not careful. I don’t think it feels good that the president was infected, but Trump is really smart and knows what he should have done. Setting a good example is important because everyone follows what they do.

Artist Akassa Faye, 49, exhibits his paintings in the square and is currently sheltering from the rain under a tree.

– This is crazy and sad for him. Of course, I don’t want Trump to be sick and I hope he gets better. But you still have to see the humor in the fact that he hasn’t taken the corona pandemic more seriously.

Although New York is the city where Donald Trump lived most of his life, few in Union Square say they voted for him. Most also do not believe they have handled the pandemic well.

“I thought it was bullshit”

Many top Democratic voters live in Manhattan in particular; up to 86 percent voted for Hillary Clinton in the last election. So far, Biden is also a clearly more popular candidate for the elections, which will take place in a month. .

Chi Nguyen, 26, walking to the store with Chihuahua Tommy in a shoulder bag, doesn’t even believe Trump is really infected.

– The first thing I thought was that it sucks. Because Trump doesn’t have a direct record of telling the truth. And it is the perfect time for the next debate. I think he knows he didn’t do so well during the first one.

He does not think that Trump’s illness will affect the election, as there have been many other scandals in recent times that take up more space. Chi is not personally concerned about the president’s health either.

– I hope of course you are doing well in terms of health. Maybe you can better understand what the rest of us are going through. But I don’t think I will learn anything. I don’t trust him right now.

The president of the United States has been infected with corona.

Photo: Carolyn Kaster / AP

The president of the United States has been infected with corona.


