Of: TT
Photo: Photo: Municipality of Jönköping
Jönköping charter of privilege from 1284. Photo: Jönköping municipality.
The National Archives wants the 700-year-old letter back. The municipality of Jönköping wants to keep it. Now the 1284 privilege letter becomes a case for the Stockholm District Court.
The tug of war between the National Archives and the Jönköping municipality has been going on for a long time. On Wednesday, the parties met again without agreement.
This means that there will be negotiations in the Stockholm District Court in February, the municipality states in a press release.
The letter of privilege, which was issued by Magnus Ladulås in 1284, is preserved today in the archives of the city of Jönköping, formally on loan.
However, the National Archives want the document moved to the National Archives in Vadstena, along with Gränna’s letter of privilege from 1652 and two more letters of privilege for Gränna and Jönköping. The municipality has abruptly said no.
“They have been stored here for several hundred years and are documents that connect our history with the present. To our knowledge, there is no reason why they should be moved from their historical residence,” says Ann-Marie Nilsson (C) in the statement from press.