Prosecutors after exposing the Estonian hole: “banned”


A new documentary “Estonia: the find that changes everything” shows the revelation during the new dives in the M / S Estonia that sank in the Baltic Sea in 1994 and – and extinguished 852 human lives: A hole four meters high and 1.2 meters wide on the starboard side of the hull.

However, the revelation has not been rewarded; Instead, two of the people involved in the documentary were indicted in Gothenburg District Court in June.

All underwater activities prohibited

– All underwater activities in the area are prohibited, except for the two explicit exceptions, says prosecutor Helene Gestrin to SVT.

The indictment concerns a serious violation of the peace protection law in the wreck of the Estonian passenger ship, a specially established law that was signed between Sweden, Finland and Estonia after the disaster.

A law that must be destroyed if it is possible to organize new research dives in the wreck.

“There is no legal possibility for anyone under this law to take action there, as long as it is not about covering and protecting the wreck or preventing pollution of the marine environment,” Helene Gestrin told SVT.

The Estonian Prime Minister has demanded new investigations into the ship and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) has said that further dives are not ruled out.

The Swedish Accident Investigation Board is investigating the new information on the sinking of the M / S Estonia, but has not initiated any formal investigation, according to SR Ekot.

The moderates demand that the government provide information

On Wednesday, the moderates demanded that the government step foot in their opinion on demands for a new investigation into the Estonian disaster.

– The facts that exist are that this new media information is very interesting in both Finland and Estonia, two very important neighbors of Sweden. So we also have a foreign problem to deal with based on that. And then it is the case that the government is responsible for foreign policy. But I also have, I think, an obligation to say what measures and steps are being taken for the Riksdag, says Hans Wallmark (M), Chairman of the Riksdag Internal Committee for Swedish Radio, SR.

Liberals demand that Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (s) and Infrastructure Minister Thomas Eneroth (s) answer questions about Estonia in the Riksdag.

In Estonia, the tone has been high and Margus Kurm, a former Estonian prosecutor and investigator, accused Sweden of hiding the fact that a Swedish submarine collided with Estonia and caused the hole.

– Sweden does not lie about the sinking of Estonia, we do not want to contribute to an increase in the conflict here, but I have a good dialogue with my counterpart in Estonia, Juri Ratas, Stefan Löfven told SR on Wednesday.

READ MORE: Estonia filmed: accused of violating the peace of the grave
READ MORE: Twenty-five years since the Estonian disaster
READ MORE: The peace of the grave may have been violated 25 years after the disaster.
