Krys’ first physical health center in Stockholm was inaugurated by Financial Region Counselor Irene Svenonius (M) on September 1. When DN interviewed Krys CEO Erik Hjelmstedt prior to the establishment, he said the discussion on listing ceilings is out of date.
-I think “the sky is the limit” as long as we offer patients good, quality assured care where the level of service is maintained, then he said about how many patients they could receive, he said then.
The listing constitutes the largest revenue for health centers because they are reimbursed for each individual patient, regardless of whether they seek care or not. And now, before the end of the month, nearly 10,000 patients in the Stockholm Region have registered with Kry according to SLL figures. A receipt that Kry provides good care, according to the care company’s press service, as 80 percent are people who have had contact with Kry before. Proof that Kry by dubious means misled patients, according to the primary care workers DN spoke to.
– Typically it takes about three years to build a health center with 10,000 patients, something Kry has done in a few weeks, says Gabriel Lagercrantz, operations manager of the Surbrunn health center, which is run by the Region. from Stockholm and continues:
– I receive many reports from patients who have only been within their application with a bank identification and have been included in the list without knowing it. At our health center, you have to sign a document which is then saved, but Kry has used the app and made people list themselves without their understanding.
The first thing i knew Stockholmers who have opened the Kry app are an offer to re-register with Kry, which must be removed before you can get help in the app. Those who just want to refill their prescriptions get the message that they must now register with Kry to use the service. Although this is against the Law of the Patient.
Vårdcentralen Hammarby sjöstads Husläkare, managed by Praktikertjänst with an agreement with the region, has lost 60 patients in two weeks.
– Patients are calling us in panic and have not understood or known that they have been put back on the Kry list, says Filip Öberg, director of operations at Hammarby sjöstads Husläkare, who has a list stop at his health center , which means that patients who want to return must queue. .
DN has been in touch with patients and relatives included in the Kry list. Several of them say they did not even know it until they contacted their regular health center.
– My wife had back pain and therefore was in contact with the doctors through the Kry app. They prescribed penicillin for the urinary tract infection, but it didn’t help. When my wife called her health center for help, they told her she was now on Kry’s list and therefore couldn’t get a doctor’s appointment, says one man.
Ylva Sandström, president of the Stockholm District Medical Association, has been contacted in recent days by several health centers who are concerned they may have to close.
Formerly the district medical association He expressed concern that Kry is interested in patients who do not require intensive care and have simple problems that can be solved during a video visit.
– The listing system works like insurance: it is based on having a combination of patients on the list where some require a lot of attention and others a little. If all light patients disappear, the economy runs the risk of not collapsing, he says.
She says that she logged into the app on Kry herself over the weekend, and found the information about listing to be unclear and at the same time attractive to digital applicants.
– I don’t think patients in general know what the list means; they think it’s like joining any client club. For some, therefore, it is not entirely clear that they will be removed from their health center list when they say yes to kry at the touch of a button.
The association wants to see such a listing should only be possible on a neutral platform, such as 1177. And that it should be clear to the patient that a listing means that the patient loses contact with their old health center.
Criticism of Kry from colleagues also refers to a reluctance to set a maximum contribution limit.
– Anyone who is serious about primary care knows that it is necessary to have a maximum number of patients per doctor in order to run a serious business, says Gabriel Lagercrantz.
Erik Hjelmstedt, CEO of Kry Sverige, tells DN that there is a suspicion of Kry and that he himself has received many emails and calls.
– So far, I have not received a single concrete example that has been reversed or that somehow proves that we have done something wrong, he says.
– What emerges now is fear. Either because he wants to maintain the status quo or because he is afraid of being run over.
The question of pricing roofs it’s irrelevant to Kry because they can quickly adjust the workforce and have doctors and nurses who want to work more for Kry than they already do, according to Hjelmstedt. This despite the promise that patients can see the same person again.
– On my payroll in the clinics, which do not work in our health centers, I have about a thousand people, and I add that the number that works can quickly be increased from 50 to 100.
Where are these doctors who can intervene in such a short time, who are they?
– I probably can’t answer it exactly. But we do not have a shortage of doctors in Sweden, we have a shortage of medical oxygen. The forms of employment mean that not many want to work on the ground in primary care. We are trying to change that, it is one of my missions.
Because they have an expanded digital platform and flexibility in staffing, they can help many more patients than traditional health centers, according to Erik Hjelmstedt.
– We have time to attend to a large part even before they arrive at the health center. Gentle for everyone, lower costs, cheaper for everyone and faster for the patient.
You say that the way you offer care is much more profitable, is it then reasonable that you get the same compensation?
– We have a task to solve and it does not matter if we solve it for an individual patient through a physical meeting or digitally. It is a way in which the patient is focused. That is one of my answers. The second answer is that I don’t design the rules. I can only play by the rules that exist.
You can still get a refurbished recipe on video calls without being on the Kry list, according to the CEO. But the option is no longer available directly in the app for unlisted patients, “due to limited human resources.”
Meanwhile as Hjelmstedt was Kry’s chief operating officer, the company had an extensive campaign urging the cold to seek care from Kry. Critics argued that they attracted unnecessary consumption of attention and increased the cost of care.
Today, that ad would not be approved, it says:
– If you have a cold, you don’t need care. The simple answer to why it became like this, here and there, is that we were a much smaller and immature company then. Also, there were no guidelines from either SKR or the regions, but they came up after we did it there, and that’s good I think.
Last Friday it was called Kry to a meeting at the Health and Medical Care Administration after many have heard their views, says Christoffer Bernsköld, responsible for care arrangements:
– There are no inaccuracies in what they write or do because they require a bank identification at all times.
But according to Bernsköld, there has been a lack of clear regulations on what information should appear when listing. Therefore, the administration must now produce guidelines.
– This is so that the caregivers have something to lean on and that we also have something to support ourselves to assess whether the information that comes out is correct or not.
He also says that it may be necessary to review the various parts of the allocation for quotation.
Gabriel Lagercrantz from the Surbrunn Health Center draws on the Kry CEO’s description that critics are driven by fear:
– It is not about being overwhelmed, it is about safeguarding quality care. That focus is lost on this caring train. In the end, there will be no money left for those who really need medical care.
Read more: Digital attention visits have multiplied in Stockholm
Read more: The costs of digital attention are increasing